Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New York IT Consulting at iCorps Technologies!

iCorps GraphicHector Lazaga, a billiards buddy from Marist School, is looking for New York IT consulting companies for his network needs. You see, my pool player friend just started an information technology firm in Wall Street and wants to hook up with the best firms out there for some of his most sought after departments.

My ever-reliable online search tools highlighted a number of New York IT consulting sites for my friend, including that of iCorps Technologies. iCorps’ team of experts analyze and maximize one network's performance, IT outsourcing, consulting, and management capabilities. Truth be told, iCorps frees companies out of all the technical headaches associated with running a business network – freeing them to focus on the business itself! That’s good enough in my book! Or in anyone’s book, mind you!

What is great with iCorps is that it designs networks with three things in mind, i.e., reliability, flexibility, and security, which are all geared to support the business. iCorps’ network integration solutions do in fact streamline work flow, thus increasing productivity and accessibility while reducing costs.

So, for those looking for an unparalleled team of customer-oriented IT professionals, search no further! iCorps, with its partnerships and enduring customer relationships, is the one to beat! And I kid you not!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Free Tickets! Gene Loves Jezebel Live in Manila!

On November 14-15, and 16, 2008, Gene Loves Jezebel will be doing a tour with Sandwich as front act. And guess what, billiards buddies, pool players, and music lovers, you can get free tickets to this event! Yes, you’ve read right, everyone! The AnitoKid is giving away free tickets to the Jean Loves Jezebel tour! And I kid you not!

Just mention this event in your blog and link back to this entry to qualify for free passes. Leave a comment with the URL of your entry in this post so I can easily check it. Or post a comment here if you do not have a blog – just be sure to leave your email or contact info for verification purposes! It’s that easy, friends!

And oh! We have a set (2 VIP tickets each) available for each venue so you and a friend can go! These include a set for Hotel Sotsenberg, Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga (November 14, 9 PM) and another set for Alchemy, Silver City Mall, Pasig (November 15, 9 PM). But wait, we’re not done yet! Two (2) sets are pegged for the Hard Rock Café, Makati event (November 17, 9 PM)! Thus, be sure to mention the venue you are attending, everyone! Winners will be determined via a raffle on November 12, 2008. None other than Jesse Gonzales of DMC Philippines will draw the winners, friends!

What to expect in this event? Just cool music all night long and lots of fun for one incredible and unforgettable evening!

Much thanks to the Philippines’ famous man of music, Jesse Gonzales of DMC Philippines for making all of these possible! Kudos to you, Jesse!

"The AnitoKid loves great music!"

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Online Casinos & Free Casino Games at Online Casino Advisory!

Online Casino Advisory GraphicFelicisimo Guerrero, a billiards buddy, read my posts on online casinos, free casino games, and free slots. My pool player friend was very impressed with my articles and has asked for more interesting reads on such. Thus, I quickly activated my ever-reliable online search tools and searched the Internet for such. My search results highlighted a number of good sites, including that of Online Casino Advisory.

At first glance, once could see that Online Casino Advisory is one of the premier websites on online casinos. Online Casino Advisory features up-to-date gaming news written by the most intelligent, knowledgeable, and experienced journalists and analysts on the World Wide Web. What makes the informative gaming news interesting is that they are written by actual players, friends! These include dedicated posts on bingo, poker, slots, roulette, blackjack, and more!

With regards to free casino games, Online Casino Advisory also allows its visitors to play the best on the World Wide Web without any advertisement! But wait, there’s more! Online Casino Advisory also features reviews of the best games – complete with download links - for the top places to play them! Truth be told, each download is absolutely 100% free! Each online casino offers anywhere from 90-450 games, which can be played for fun or for real money! Awesome!

For those searching for the best info on online casinos and free casino games, look no further! Check out Online Casino Advisory! You’ll be glad you did! And I kid you not!

Bernard Docusen: The Sweet Science

Bernard Docusen GraphicBilliards buddies, pool players, and boxing fans, here is a read on Filipino boxer Bernard Docusen. The article was first published on The Sweet Science by Bernard Fernandez. It is one very good, friends! And I kid you not!

*Article credits all go to The Sweet Science and Bernard Fernandez. Picture courtesy of Bernard Docusen’s daughter, Patricia Docusen Maddox.

Boxing Bonds Fathers and Sons

My religious beliefs hold that certain matters must be taken on faith. Faith, I was told as a child in catechism class, can move mountains. You must be able to believe what you cannot always see.

What faith doesn’t always sway, I found out years later, are nominating committees for various boxing Halls of Fame.

My life-long love of boxing was conferred upon me, like an early gift, by my late father, Bernard “Jack” Fernandez Sr., a former fighter who had many, many amateur bouts but only two as a pro, both in 1944 when his destroyer escort, in home port from the war against the Japanese in the Pacific theater, was undergoing repairs in San Diego. Fighting on Archie Moore undercards in each instance, Dad went 1-0-1. A framed poster publicizing his Aug. 18 six-rounder with Jimmy Hatmaker – Archie Moore’s name, of course, is much more prominently displayed for the Mongoose’s main event with Jimmie Hayden – is framed and hangs in my office at home. It has always been my proudest possession, more of a family heirloom than a sports collectible.

Growing up, I used to fantasize that, had not the bombing of Pearl Harbor brought about America’s entry into World War II, and transformed my father into a fighting man of a different sort, Dad would have gone on to become a great welterweight. Some of the yellowed newspaper clippings that were passed on to me by my mother suggest that, at the very least, he must have been entertaining to watch. One describes him as a “wild-hooking slugger,” while another details his emphatic knockout of a Utah amateur champion who had not been stopped in 75 fights.

Dad survived naval battles, kamikaze attacks and, in what he said was the most fearful time of the war for him, a typhoon on open water that tossed his small vessel about like a cork in a tempest. But the global conflict ended and Dad, like so many ex-servicemen, went home to an uncertain future.

That future, as it turned out, did not include the resumption of his boxing career. Although only in his late-20s, he seemed to sense that his time for making it in the fight racket had passed, and, besides, my mother did not want her husband-to-be to engage in anything as presumably dangerous as boxing. So Dad became a cop, where opponents sometimes come armed with knives and guns instead of gloved fists.

Go figure.

Apart from an assortment of obligatory street fights in our working-class neighborhood, I did not follow in my father’s footsteps, as a boxer or as a policeman. But I became a sportswriter, and when I took over the boxing beat at the Philadelphia Daily News in 1987 I know it pleased Dad immensely. It was his vicarious entry back into a world he left so many years earlier, and it made even more fertile the sort of common ground that forever bonds fathers and sons. I would cover a fight, he would watch it on television, and later we’d talk at length about what each of us had seen.

There are some debts you can never repay, but I did try to give back to Dad some of what he had passed on to me. I took him on working boxing trips to Las Vegas and London – his one and only European adventure – and, once, I had ring announcer Ed Derian introduce him to the audience at the Blue Horizon when he and my mother were visiting my family in Philadelphia. Dad said I shouldn’t have made such a fuss about singling him out, but I suspect he secretly was pleased.

Retired New Orleans police captain Bernard Fernandez Sr. passed away on March 4, 1994, opening a wound in my heart that has never fully healed. Even now, after a particularly memorable boxing event, I find myself reaching for the telephone so that I might call him to talk things over and get his take on what had transpired. But our conversations are only imaginary now, more like prayers offered up by the son on earth to the father whom I sincerely believe has passed on to his well-deserved eternal reward.

If only I could speak to Dad like I used to, about something that happened earlier this year that surely would have drawn us even closer than we had always been. The California Boxing Hall of Fame inducted the Docusen brothers, Bernard and Maxie, in June, in the process officially affirming something my father had told me from the time I could differentiate between Carmen Basilio and Carmen Miranda, the star of all those MGM musicals in which she sang and danced with a pile of fruit on her head.

“Bernard Docusen,” Dad would say, “was maybe the best fighter ever to come out of New Orleans. He almost beat the great Sugar Ray Robinson when Robinson was as close as it ever gets to invincible. If they had had three or four versions of the welterweight championship back then like they do now, he would have been a world champion for sure. Bernard Docusen was beautiful to watch. I wish you could have seen him.”

My father never lied to me, about anything, so why should I doubt him about something of which he was so absolutely convinced? So, with due diligence, I did what I could to investigate the slick-boxing Filipino-American kid known as “Big Duke.” Docusen compiled a 72-10-6 record, with 21 knockouts, from 1944 to ’53. There was that loss on points to Robinson for the welterweight championship, of course, but Docusen had more than his share of notable victories.

Gene Engel, writing about Robinson-Docusen in the September 1948 issue of The Ring magazine, was impressed by the skill and courage exhibited by the

“Docusen proved a foeman worthy of Robinson’s keenest steel,” Engel observed in the flowery manner of the era. “The flashy Filipino was not daunted in the least by Robinson’s reputation … For 10 rounds Docusen fought Robinson on fairly even terms, and there was little to choose.” But Sugar Ray knocked Docusen down with a left hook in the 11th round, and assumed command the rest of the way to score a 15-round unanimous decision.

A few years ago, The Ring magazine came out with an article about the 15 greatest fighters never to have won a world title. No. 1 on the list was Charley Burley, which was hardly a surprise. A rawhide-tough Philly middleweight, Bennie Briscoe, also made the cut. But Bernard Docusen didn’t draw a mention.

The next time I saw Nigel Collins, editor of The Ring, I pleaded Docusen’s case as ardently as my father might have. The difference, of course, is that Dad had seen Docusen; I hadn’t. And neither, as it turned out, had Nigel, a ring historian who admitted to not having much familiarity with the object of my fascination.

I was still reveling in the induction of Bernard Docusen, now 82, and his 79-year-old lightweight brother Maxsie (72-7-3, 26 KOs) into the World Boxing Hall of Fame when an acquaintance, familiar with my semi-obsession with “Big Duke,” alerted me to the publication of his memoirs, as told to his daughter, Patricia Docusen-Maddox. But the big lure for me was that, with the purchase of the self-published book, I would receive DVDs of Bernard Docusen’s June 28, 1948, challenge of the great Sugar Ray in Chicago’s Comiskey Stadium and his May 4, 1949, bout with Frankie Fernandez (no relation) in Honolulu.

This was my chance to find out, once and for all, if my faith in a fighter I had never seen was justified or misplaced.

OK, so maybe it wasn’t the same as catching a glimpse of the burning bush, or the Red Sea parting. Truth be told, my faith in Bernard Docusen came with caveats because there was always a chance that some of what had passed from Dad’s lips to my ears had somehow been lost in translation. But those DVDs revealed enough of Bernard Docusen’s ring generalship and fighting heart to convince me that all these years of detached admiration, borne of a son’s unshakable trust in his father’s word, had not been in vain.

Before me is my unfilled ballot for the Class of 2009 for induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in Canastota, N.Y. There are 45 names listed in the modern category, reserved for fighters whose last bout was no earlier than 1943. Bernard Docusen’s name is not included. But who knows? With the resurgence in popularity of the Filipino fighter – Manny Pacquiao, already atop many pound-for-pound lists, would be the hottest thing in boxing should he take down Oscar De La Hoya on Dec. 6, and Nonito Donaire is the IBF flyweight champion – there is at least an outside chance history will take a second look at Bernard Docusen.

As a Baby Boomer whose energy for causes has mostly been expended, I have come to realize there isn’t much I can do to change the world. I am neither young nor particularly angry these days, but my passive lobbying for certain sports figures I hold in high esteem reminds me, at least a little, of some of the lyrics from Billy Joel’s “Angry Young Man.”

I believe I’ve passed the age of consciousness and righteous rage

I found that just surviving was a noble fight.

I once believed in causes too,

I had my pointless point of view,

And life went on no matter who was wrong or right.

In 2007, my efforts to have the late Whitey Esneault inducted into the Sugar Bowl Greater New Orleans Sports Hall of Fame were finally rewarded. Esneault was the one-legged World War I Navy veteran who trained not only the Docusens, but such other slick New Orleans boxers as Ralph Dupas, Willie Pastrano and Tony Licata. The door to Canastota remains closed for now for Mr. Whitey and Big Duke, but what the hell. You never know.

That I still have enough faith to fight the good fight is Dad’s gift to me that keeps on giving.

"The AnitoKid loves Bernard Docusen!"

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Picture Hosting Service at Pict!

Pict GraphicRaymond Joseph Latonio, a billiards pal, is looking for picture hosting services on the World Wide Web information retrieval system. My pool player friend is into photography and would like to know such sites because he is planning to store his pictures online. I took a different approach to this one, and decided to look for new picture hosting services instead of the established ones. My ever-reliable online search tools highlighted a number of interesting sites, including that of Pict.

Pict allows users to upload various types of files, e.g., JPEG, GIF, and PNG files. One can upload any amount of files up to 3 MB each for an unlimited period of time! Now, that is very good news, friends!

The picture hosting service is available to anyone or everyone. Users agree that picture uploaded at Pict should not be used to spreads messages of terror or depicts torture, harm minors in any way, upload or otherwise make available any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party, and more. Well, truth be told, these rules are more than fair in my book!

But wait, there’s more! Pict also has a non-disclosure policy! Pict will not disclose any information regarding anyone or one’s uploaded data unless prior approval has been obtained or the matter is that of a criminal investigation. This is just fine by me! And I kid you not!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Yang Ching Shun Wins Guinness 9-Ball Tour Grand Finals!

Yang Ching Sun GraphicCongratulations to Yang Ching Shun for winning the Grand Finals of the 2008 Guinness 9-Ball Tour in Jakarta, Indonesia! Yang Ching Shun won the coveted championship against 2005 9-Ball World Champion, Wu Chia Ching with an exciting 11-9 victory at the Taman Enggrek Mall! And I kid you not!

Wu Chia Ching defeated Alex Pagulayan, 9-6, in the first semifinal to take on his compatriot Yang, while the newly crowned Grand Champion defeated Dennis Orcollo to reach his first final of the 2008 Guinness 9-Ball Tour.

Congratulations Yang!

Other interesting reads

*Pagulayan vs. Orcollo
**Grand Finals Info
*Robocop Wins
*Semifinals Preview
*The Guinness Semis
*Orcollo & Pagulayan Standing
*Chang Wins
*The Lion Roars
*Alex Pagulayan Video
*Wu Upset
*Orcollo vs. Chang
*Guinness Updates
*Origin of Pool
*Lee Van Corteza is 1st Runner Up

"Wins are sweeter with The AnitoKid!"

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Sky Freight Forwarders Inc: Best Logistics Services!

Sky Freight Forwarders GraphicFor those looking for logistics services, check out Sky Freight Forwarders, Inc. Initially operated as a division of Sky Freight Brokerage, Inc., Sky Freight Forwarders was incorporated on June 22, 1981. It offers a full-range of logistics services — from forwarding to customs brokerage and trucking to warehousing and distribution – all backed by an extensive domestic and international network composed of a team of seasoned professionals.

ISO 9001:2000 certified and a 2006 GCCI Awardee, Sky Freight Forwarders provides its clients with a quality-focused worldwide-integrated logistics service. The company ensures each shipment is delivered to its proper destination on schedule – with all pertinent information relayed in a timely and accurate manner.

Did you know that Sky Freight Forwarders is consistently in the list of Top 10 Cargo Producers of British Airways, Lufthansa, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Air France, Emirates, Royal Dutch Airlines, Nippon Cargo Airlines, Philippine Airlines, and Thai Airways? Yes, it is! And I kid you not!

For anyone, and everyone, looking for the best in logistics services, trust your business to the experts! Check out Sky Freight Forwarders! You don't know what you're missing!

"The AnitoKid trusts his logistics needs with Sky Freight!"

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Male Enhancement Products at X4 Labs!

X4 Labs GraphicBryan Erwin San Miguel, a billiards buddy from Marist School, is looking for information on male enhancement, sex toys, and penis enlargement for one of his office mates at Richir Services. His friend is particularly interested whether or not such devices work. Lest I forget, Bryan Erwin also stressed the need to find such info as soon as possible because he also wants to know the truth behind the claims. And I kid you not!

Not known to disappoint, I quickly activated my online search tools to find the answer. My search results brought back a ton of sites including that of X4 Labs. From what I could gather, X4 Labs’ Penis Extender has been clinically proven to provide up to 3 inches of gains. More often than not, a patient will realize about a 33% increase on the starting length and 30-50% in girth. Clinical studies have been carried out on the X4 Penis Extender, and all have touted its usefulness in offering permanent gains.

For those not in the know, X4 Labs continues to perform clinical trials with its customers – gathering before and after pictures that will give everyone a good overall concept of what to expect. The data serves as proof of the efficiency and effectiveness of X4 Labs’ devices.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

2008 Guinness 9-Ball Tour: Dennis Orcollo vs. Alex Pagulayan!

2008 Guinness 9-Balll Tour Graphic2008 Guinness 9-Balll Tour updates, billiards buddies!

Filipino pool player Dennis Orcollo scored his first win at the 2008 Guinness 9-ball Tour with a 9-7 victory over Alex Pagulayan at the Mal Taman Anggrek in Jakarta, Indonesia!

Dennis Orcollo is now scheduled to play against Wang Hung Hsiang of Chinese Taipei and Korea’s Ryu Seung Woo, while Alex Pagulayan will square off against the defending Grand Final champion, Chang Jung Lin of Chinese Taipei.

For those not in the know, the players were divided into groups where they will play a single round robin format. The top two from each group advance to the semifinal phase of the 2008 Guinness 9-Balll Tour.

Winners of the semifinals will play this coming Saturday, with the champion earning the top prize of $36,000 and a WPA World Pool Championship qualifying spot. And I kid you not!

Good luck, kabayans!

More interesting reads

*Grand Finals Info
*Robocop Wins
*Semifinals Preview
*The Guinness Semis
*Orcollo & Pagulayan Standing
*Chang Wins
*The Lion Roars
*Alex Pagulayan Video
*Wu Upset
*Orcollo vs. Chang
*Guinness Updates
*Origin of Pool
*Lee Van Corteza is 1st Runner Up

"Time stands still with The AnitoKid!"

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Find Canon BCI-21BK Compatible Black Ink Tank at Inkjet Deals!

Inkjet Deals GraphicEddie Chiombon, a billiards buddy is on the lookout for a Canon BCI-21BK Compatible black ink tank and would like some help. My ever-reliable online search tools highlighted a number of good and interesting sites from the World Wide Web information retrieval system for my pool player friend, including that of Inkjet Deals.

Inkjet Deals helps people find discounts on laser toner and inkjet cartridges for popular printer brands, e.g., Dell, HP, Canon, Lexmark, Brother, and Epson. Inkjet Deals allows anyone to save money online for compatible printer ink, replacement laser toner cartridges, etc. with its list of online stores offering such for discounts of up to 80% off! Inkjet Deals also lists coupon codes and discount promotions for these stores, thus, online shoppers save money! And oh! Inkjet Deals also features interesting articles covering money-saving themes, e.g., tips on conserving ink and troubleshooting printer problems.

Overall, Inkjet Deals is one great site for cost- and quality-conscious consumers looking for amazing deals on inkjets, printers, and more! And I kid you not! Thus, for those who do not want to spend an arm and a leg on printer inks, do check out Inkjet Deals! Browse it and all to save money – now!

2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship: More News!

2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship Graphic2008 U.S. Open 9-Ball Championship Update: More info!

Billiards buddies, I was quite busy with work and all, thus the lateness of this post. But as they say, it is better late than never! And I kid you not!

So, without further ado, here are more news on our Filipino pool players, friends!

*Ronnie Alcano won against Lee Van Corteza, 11-9
*Francisco Django Bustamante vs. Oscar Dominguez, 11-1
*Django Bustamante and Ronnie Alcano will square off next!

*Lee van Corteza vs. Ralf Souquet (11-8 ) (Losers Side)

*Jose Amang Parica vs. Shane Van Boening, 11-10,
*Shane, who is the defending US Open, is out of the tournament. Second loss came from fellow American Larry Nevel. It's Amang vs. Mika Immonen next!


*Warren Kiamco won three straight matches in the one-loss bracket! These include wins over Robb Saez (11-8 ), Scott Rabon (11-7), and former 2x US Open champion Nick Varner (11-10)! The Warrior will next face Imran Majid.

*Ramil Gallego became the 4th Pinoy to pack his bags. Bebeng won his first 3 matches in the losers' bracket: Erik Hjorliefson (11-8), Lee Heuwagen (11-5), and Michael Fuller (11-6). His second loss came from Larry Nevel (11-9).

Players scheduled for late-morning matches on Friday, (8 players left in the winners bracket) include Amang Parica, Django Bustamante, Ronnie Alcano, Rodney Morris, Johnny Archer, Mika Immonen, Daryl Peach, and Thorsten Hohmann.

"Win more excitement and fun with The AnitoKid!"

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Enter your email address An Amazing Online Casino Gambling Guide! GraphicTo billiards buddies, pool players, and readers looking for online casino gambling guides, do check out is one of the premier guides to online casino gambling. It features a ton of information on everything related to online casinos. These include game rules, strategies and tips, tools, and advice on how to optimally play popular casino games. also highlights the best places to play, with emphasis on helping online players optimize the return on their gambling dollars.

Some of the great features that can be found at include a free no-download training game for blackjack players, which features built-in advice and tips; a poker section that comes complete with tools, rules, and tips, including reviews of the Internet’s most sought-after online poker sites: and novel and free slots with cash prize draws!

In addition, has more than 100 reviews of online casinos and poker rooms! And such are real reviews with pros and cons about the selected gambling sites! There is also a free progressive jackpot tracker that allows users to monitor over 100 different progressive jackpot games from several different providers. There are also free casino game videos on game rules, e.g., Texas Hold'em Poker, and up-to-date poker, casino, and gambling news! Lest I forget, has a free blackjack calculator that can make a custom basic strategy chart for any blackjack rule variation! Now, that is one neat tool, everyone!

For friends who are seriously looking for online casino gambling guides to optimize their winning form, do check out! Sponsored post or not, you’ll be glad you did! And I kid you not!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Poison Pink Ribbon Cues & The Komen North Florida Race for the Cure!

Billiards buddies and pool players, here are some very good news! Poison Products employees have raised $3,000 in the fight to end breast cancer as participants in the 2008 Komen North Florida Race for the Cure! And I kid you not!

Garnering support from family, friends, corporate sponsors and billiard industry partners, Team Poison was one of the top five companies in the region to raise money for the race. Sponsors included

Allan McCarty; Atlas Billiards; AzBilliards; Cue Sport Promotions; Doctor PC/The Billiard Factory; Dragon Promotions; Frank's Center; Hamson International; Isak Billiard; LK Industries; Pool Cue Outlet; Ray Barbee; Reznicsek, Fraser, Hastings, White & Shaffer, P.A.; Seybert’s Billiards Supply; Shooters Family Billiards; and Uni-Loc.

“Poison is committed to the fight against breast cancer. This disease affects too many of the women in our lives,” says Karim Belhaj, CEO Predator Group, “and The Race for the Cure was the perfect way to get our team involved on a personal level. We want to thank all of our sponsors for supporting this great cause.”

Garnering support from family, friends, corporate sponsors and billiard industry partners, Team Poison was one of the top five companies in the region to raise money for the race. Team Poison joined over 3,300 attendants in downtown Jacksonville, Saturday, October 18, 2008, to participate in both the 5K run and 2K walk. Nationally, the event is the largest series of runs and walks in the world with over 100 events scheduled each year. The money raised goes towards breast cancer education and screening, scientific research, and aid for patients suffering from the disease.

Every month Poison donates a percentage of all profits from the new Pink Ribbon cues toward breast cancer research initiatives. This month, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Poison is donating 100% of its profits to the cause. The Pink Ribbon line, with Cyanide and VX designs, was created to let pool players around the world show their support for a breast cancer cure while doing something they love: playing pool.

Poison Products makes cutting-edge cues that utilize exclusive Double Density™ Technology in its Venom™ Shaft for improved accuracy and best-in-class-playability. Poison is located in Jacksonville, Florida, USA and sells cues worldwide.

"The AnitoKid loves Poison cues!"

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Awesome Debt Consolidation Info at!

Bills dot com GraphicBenjie Cesar Pepito, a billiards pal, is looking for debt consolidation sites. My pool player friend wants to know more about it because he wants to retire early and retire well via excellent personal finance know-how. My ever-reliable online search tools, which I quickly activated, highlighted a number of good sites, including that of is a novel company that was created with one thing in mind – help you! With its corporate headquarters in Northern California, was built from the ground up to help everyone learn about personal finance while giving everybody the resources to help them save money. Its core focus is one mortgage loans, debt help, insurance, bill payment, loans, and credit products. And within each of these major groupings, has built content and tools designed help anyone learn and save! It offers comprehensive resource centers on all of the financial topics affect you and your money. Such tools and tips will definitely help one find, learn, and save in every area of their lives! offers debt consolidation advice, including sources for seeing how much one can save when they consolidate debts. constantly strive to meet more of its customers’ needs, while simultaneously valuing feedback from friends and customers.

For those looking for great info on debt consolidation, do try! It is one great read! And I kid you not!

2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship: The Last 16!

2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship Graphic2008 U.S. Open 9-Ball Championship Update: The Last 16!

Billiards buddies, I updated my threads on the Internet and just noticed that I failed to do so here! Well, it's better late than never! And I kid you not!

The Last 16 round on the prestigious 2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship is here, everyone! And you're right - here's more news on our Filipino pool players, everyone!

Joven Alba and Rodolfo Luat are also out of the US Open, friends.
Rudy Luat lost to Dan Louie, 11-10.

And oh! It will be Lee Van Corteza vs. Ronnie Alcano in the next match! The winner will face the victor in the match between Francisco Django Bustamante and Oscar Dominguez! Wow!

But wait, there’s more! Jose Amang Parica is scheduled to square off against the current US Open champion, Shane Van Boening! Truth be told, this is going to be one exciting match!

Other interesting reads

*Quotes for Champs
*Live Scoring & Updates
*The Filipino Pool Players
*Field is Open at the US Open
*2009 WPC & the 2008 US Open
*Pinoy Updates
*More 2nd Round Updates
*The 3rd Round

*Pinoy Pool Masters

"It's championship time with The AnitoKid!"

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Male Enhancement Products & Reviews at The Men's Choice!

The Men's Choice GraphicIan Cuevas, a billiards buddy, is looking for male enhancement products on the World Wide Web information retrieval system. My pool player friend read some of my posts on it and wants to know more. Well, here’s some good news for you, Ian! My online search tools highlighted another male enhancement site for you – The Men’s Choice!

The Men’s Choice features an up-to-date and accurate information for men interested in improving their appearance, well-being, and sexual health. The Men’s Choice is made up of a group of men 20 men (23-65 years of age), all with a common bond of answering questions about male enhancement products. These include the companies selling such products, ingredients and manufacturing techniques; customers’ views on the respective products; product claims; customer service; refund policies; and product guarantees.

And truth be told, there are thousands of male sexual health products and programs on the Internet computer network today! Indeed, The Men’s Choice is a welcome site to everyone because it completely understands the importance of a satisfying love life! Now, no one will be overwhelmed by the different choices available because The Men’s Choice is America’s largest source of reviews for pills, programs, and other products for men – unbiased too! And I kid you not!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship: Pinoy Pool Masters Update!

2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship GraphicBilliards buddies, here is another round on the prestigious 2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship! Definitely more news on our Filipino pool players! And I kid you not!

*Francisco Django Bustamante vs. Darren Appleton (11-6)

*Jose Amang Parica vs. Marcus Chamat (11-9)

*Lee Van Corteza vs. Shannon Daulton (11-9)

*Ronnie Alcano vs. Tyler Edey (11-8)

*Joven Alba vs. Tim Hall (11-6)

However, some sad news, everyone. Leonardo Dodong Andam became the first Filipino to be ousted when he lost to Richard Martinez in the one-loss bracket (11-6). Try uli tayo next year, Dong! Sponsoran kita!

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship: More Updates on Filipino Pool Players!

2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship Graphic2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship: Another update on Filipino pool players!

Billiards buddies, here are more developments in the prestigious 2008 US Open 9-Ball Championship! Interesting news, indeed! And I kid you not!

Filipino pool players who advanced to the next round include

*Ronnie Alcano - 11-10 over Mitch Ellerman of the US

*Lee Van Corteza - 11-10 over Tony Chohan

*Jose Amang Parica - 11-7 over David Broxson

*Francisco Django Bustamante - 11-10 over Imran Majid of England

*Joven Alba – 11-6 over Willie Simpson 11-6

*Leonardo Andam – 11-5 over beat Richard Barnes

At this point in time include The Philippine campaign in the US Open 9-Ball Championship took a hit after three Filipino cue players dropped their assignments in Round Three at Chesapeake, Virginia. They are now relegated to the losers’ bracket, and must win their remaining matches to have a shot at the title. These include

*Rodolfo Luat – 11-10 decision to former two-time US Open champion Nick Varner

*Ramil Gallego - 11-5 decision to Tony Robles

*Warren Kiamco – 11-9 decision to Josh Lewis

"It's winning moments with The AnitoKid!"

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