Friday, January 4, 2008

Filipino Pool Player Efren Bata Reyes: Just How Great Is He?

Just how great is Efren Bata Reyes, aka The Magician? Some say that The Kid is the most celebrated and charismatic cue artist ever to wield a pool cue. Others believe that the Billiards Congress of America Hall of Famer is a living legend. Countless people, both pool players and fans alike, speak about Efren's deep sense of humility, to the point that it is almost unbelievable! In addition, the billiards icon has never let the countless tournaments and competitions he has won nor the endless awards and recognitions he has been bestowed upon on get into his head. These and more are what the Filipino pool player from Pampanga is all about! Efren Bata Reyes - simply the greatest pool player ever! And I kid you not!

A rare picture of Efren Reyes,
The Magician, who cruised undefeated as Cesar Morales
at Red's 108-player double elimination tour!

Efren Bata Reyes Image
"[The] first time I came over to the States, I used an alias
of Cesar Morales.
Pool players in the US already knew
Efren Reyes as a great shooter
from the Philippines,
but they [hadn't]...seen...[me] person." — Efren Reyes

"The Kid and The AnitoKid - Puwede!"

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Anonymous said...

Waw! Efren's really young at that pic! Seems hustler na talaga sya and sneaky too. Hehehe. More power and Happy New Year, Anitokid!


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Anonymous said...

Sounds exciting - thanks for sharing!

Thanks for your visit and nice greetings! Wishing you A Happy New Year too, or as we say in Norway: Godt Nytt År!

THE ANiTOKiD said...


Yes, it is! Happy new year, buddy!


THE ANiTOKiD said...

@Olympic Blogger:

Much thanks for sharing, kabayan! Will definitely check it out! And I kid you not!


THE ANiTOKiD said...

@GM Tristan:

Glad you liked the post, my friend! All the best!


Anonymous said...

I just love that game.We are proud of you Efren"Bata" Reyes the greatest pool player.

Poker Player Profile-Chris Ferguson. Nickname: Jesus

THE ANiTOKiD said...

Much thanks for the kind words about my idol!

All the best!


THE ANiTOKiD said...

Much thanks for the warm wishes!

All the best!


THE ANiTOKiD said...

Thanks for dropping by! Hope to see more of you!


THE ANiTOKiD said...


Gee, thanks!

Hope to see you again!


THE ANiTOKiD said...


The game has become one of my passions, my friend!
And I kid you not!

Much thanks for dropping by!


THE ANiTOKiD said...


Thanks bush!


THE ANiTOKiD said...


Much thanks for the warm wishes for my idol!

All the best!


THE ANiTOKiD said...


Indeed he is a living legend!

Truth be told - he is the greatest! And I kid you not!


THE ANiTOKiD said...

Much thanks for the warm wishes!


THE ANiTOKiD said...

Indeed, he is truly world class!

And I kid you not!


kitty mittal said...

This is very nice site. Glad you liked the post, my friend! All the best! Thanks for your visit and nice greetings!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! This is the very strong and impressive picture of Efren Reyes that is first time looked. Thanks for this web-site owner.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you A Happy New Year too, or as we say in Norway: God Nit Are!

THE ANiTOKiD said...

Gee thanks! But it still is a few more months before the holidays!

And I kid you not!


THE ANiTOKiD said...

@Kitty Mittal:

Maraming salamat, kaibigan!


THE ANiTOKiD said...


You're welcome, my friend!


priya said...

Efren Bata Reyes is a great pool player.Manys of his fans are eager to know something more about him .He has won number of tournaments and competitions.I wish him all the best for his future that would be at the point which will be unbelievable for every single person.

THE ANiTOKiD said...

Thanks buddy!


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