The AnitoKid Celebrates One Full Year of Blogging Art!

And as a final thought, my friend over at The Broken Bow asked for my views on everything that happened in my first year as a blogger. Well, I guess the thoughts that I shared with all when I received the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs of 2007 award sum it all up:
- "What does this mean to me? That some believe in what I say? My thoughts? My views? That I am doing something right? Whether I write about sports or athletes, or blog on Philippine culture and pride, or question the real intentions of those in power, whether or not they still believe in public service - and to set the record straight?
- That the countless comments and emails I receive daily are worth reading, publishing, and responding to? Each and every one of it? Each and every single day? That it stands to reason that all the persons who voted for me, the 9,000+++ (24,000+++ now) bloggers from 100+++ (currently stands at 139) countries who have visited my site, the thousands who have left a comment or two, did not waste their time, liked my my site, or found something interesting in it?
- At this point in time, my wish is that this award, this recognition, will serve as an inspiration to my beautiful children, that my kids will know the importance of taking the time and effort when working towards a goal; that nothing is impossible, that anyone can achieve anything if they just put their heart and soul into it; and that life is beautiful and full of surprises, that one can never go wrong in life when they count their blessings and share such with our misfortunate brothers and sisters, sons and daughters.
- I have said it before, please allow me to say it again, "My sons, my daughters, you are the reason for my being, the only reason why I try to accomplish so much in so little time. You are my closeness. My soulmates. This and more mga anak ko'y. All my love."
Much thanks to all fellow bloggers, friends, readers, and online buddies from around the world! Thank you for the interesting reads and the wonderful comments! Thank you for the support! And much thanks for the friendship! Maraming, maraming, maraming, maraming salamat po! Mabuhay!
Some of the AnitoKid's firsts :)
- introduced the first blogcard devoted to the sports of billiards and Philippine sports;
- the first PPA, MSBA and MAPPA pool player-officer-blogger;
- the first Filipino to be certified by Seeking Alpha, the leading provider of stock market opinion and analysis from blogs, money managers, and investment newsletters. Articles were subsequently published in Yahoo! Finance.
- the first blogger to be accredited and officially linked by Inside Pool Magazine;
- the first blogger to be officially linked by Predator;
- the first and only blogger accredited by Viattorre;
- recipient of The Top 10 Emerging Influential Blog Award of 2007
- Grand Prize Winner - SM Bloggers Writing Contest
- winner of the Blog of the Day Award (and on a Super Saturday!);
- recipient of the Top Sports/Leisure Blog Award at FuelMyBlog;
- had been ranked Number 1 in various directories, e.g.,;
- nominated as Blogger's Choice Awards' Best Sports Blog.
Much thanks to all!
Agent Xmoimoi Anything Goes Blogmeister Culture Shiok! Fighting Gravity Force Analytics From Dallas to Manila Have To Do This! Ugh! I Am Sam Jay Bubwit Jehzlau Concepts Digital Filipino Kabayan Junction Kegler 747 Make Money Online with a 13-Year Old ManilaMom Me Myself and Cha No Buff No Heal OFW Layf Blog PaintSketch Shamanism Silkenhut's World Sweet Avenger The Broken Bow The Busy Indolent The Walking Tower Windows Mobile C5 Rexted Aileen Apolo Radueriel Leyteño Em Dy Stephanie Caragos Zubli Zainordin Ryan Shamus Ja Kel Daily Hoop Chris Damsel_SEO Andoy ChrisH Manuel Viloria Blogie BetShopBoy JonathanPhillips SorrenGaliza thegrapebunch lateralus this eclectic life Dennis Rito ww-success Shari pusa David Ledoux Happy Lizzette Webbyman Filipinayzd Juned BigBad Tina4Life Mira Lei Sagun Samprasita GM Tristan Dabawenya Tina DeSquallie Avy Manila Mom Prudence SniperAngel Larrybored Sonnie Buddy Migs Brown Baron Jap Mitchteryosa Sarah TheSpot-er NineMoons Family Micaela Des Richard Kegler747 Caranijuan Marcia J. Bubwit Vernula Matty Adrian Jehzeel Laurente Moimoi Maki Silverfork Jhed Elman Willy B. Prilles Jr. Liz I am SAM Pietrie Jensen Daniel Niazy Cursed dandelion Musing Musings ihateboyabunda Annamanila Lei Den Jun Miguel Apolo Sofia for BiSEAN Jigoku Tenshi Fmontserrat Ian OFW Life Lestat_m E Akino Ba Edong Erick Lau Bjarne Karlo.PinoyBlogero Reyville Ahmed Friedreich Bosch Darwin CokskiBlue Ang Lolo Niyo Alan Jr. Claire Allen Gurrea Jigs Novice Blogger Marie Casas Cha Karlokoloko Maenoodle Kristine Ederic utakGAGO Kiro Mariaxyza Raphael Borga Malord Xpal Xx P0ytee Ann Lalon Gibbs Cadiz Richard Lionheart Jedianalyst Quincy John Gari Nice Becky Jplamano ScroochChronicles Poli Nelo Natre Earthlotus Evilgenius Jengkie Kidd Brainfreeze Rhodora Joyfulchicken Maryrose Heneroso Elmo Fx-server livejournal Dagupanboi Isagani X Sexy Mom Carl Ocab My Addiction Eilanna Cvj Rick Manzano MLQ3 Fire Eye'd Boy Shennette Freelance*Jervis JAngeloRacoma Iva fruityoaty ApplesH Jake the Miserable Lei LJ Rhey Alohapenny Diogenes Honey Baklang AJ Free Willy Trex Passing Through Little Khalifah Samut Sari Zen Apu Dan F. Leovy Abet Judith G. Santos Claudia Archeia Gibo Arbet Sandro Kubiyat Ades Blog carlocab webmasterworld nostalgiamanila grumpyurbanslacker angdabawenyo igorotblogger aethen ice9web jemme m2factorial toyomansi photowander antonisat emailedtome exskindiver ofwlayf juniorandme. fruityoaty female-gamer filipinasoul dyoselin cultureshiok bryanboy tedsfifthworld arbetloggins femalenetwork mayenskie fighting-gravity awbholdings aileenapolo olympicblogger aaronroselo blog.guykawasaki myextradirtymind manuelviloria angloloniyo max.limpag misteryosa callcenterhopper loidadevera kiluahtech.webmo mgalaagan jaypeeonline artsyfartsy-me parisukat pinoytechblog adventuresofalionheart selaplana silkenhut philippineblogawards thecitylifestylist jhed awbholdings houseonahill tinysigns utakgago welysabalilag yugatech 365 nirmaltv acowboyswife askreamaor bethallenii journal.cyberpartygal bobbarama brainybimbo dailyfilmdose eastcoastlife softhub mycrapsheet iphonejtag hastalosgatos humabpost. idiotbrain lifeinthefastlane mashable wackymom nazmieski pointless-drivel postsecret evnucci ryanshamus storyblob techtreak therisingblogger wulffmorgenthaler scobleizer aceswebworld billiardpulse poolassassin evilwoobie sjkmanalo bang-sweetbites Fjordan Allego the philosophical bastard Noemi Agent Grey Cliff Johnny Ross Blogbastic Peachy Joan Pinon theprizeblog problogger wolf-howl performancing jensense johnchow clickz kegler747tutubipatrol triptayo ourawesomeplanet sidetrip iloiloonfoot
"'Twas a fabulous year with The AnitoKid!"
*Did you enjoy the post? Did you find it interesting?
You know what to do...:)
congratulations on your first year. Wishing you more posts, more analyses, more hits on your second year, and all the years to come.
Much thanks kabayan! Maraming salamat po!
Congratulations on your first year of blogging and achievements. :)
You're very welcome, AnitoKid. And congratulations!!!
Congratulations on the Inside Pool Mag! That's fabulous! How fantastic! So sorry I didn't know about the Anitokid Anniversary Review, I was sick, busy with work, the book and life got in the way.
Just a tad going on here! So happy for you my friend!
Thank you very much FruityOaty! Here's look forward to another year of blogging excitement! And I kid you not!
@Davao Delicious:
Much thanks, kabayan! And oh! I love your header! Coolness! And I kid you not!
@Wacky Mom:
Much thanks, Ev! Am sorry to hear about your illness, though. How are the kids? Hope they're doing great, my friend!
Thanks again Wacky Mom!
Happy one year kabayan! It's great to see all the milestones this blog has had. Next year will be even better I'm sure.
This site is an excellent example of a quality Filipino blog. Nice job kapatid.
@Brown Baron:
Much thanks for the wonderful comment, kabayan! Nakakataba ng puso! And I kid you not!
All the best, my friend!
congrats! keep on blogging! :)
Maraming salamat kabayan!
Much thanks, my friend! Will do just that! And I kid you not!
Wow congratulations kabayan. ^_^ Keep up the good work.
Maraming salamat Allen! Here's looking forward to another great year of friendship! And I kid you not :)
To my blogger mentor,
Let me extend my heartfelt felicitations to you and your fans as this is a momentous occasion in the blogging universe. What you achieved in just 365 days is a wonder itself and would take an ordinary blogger like me maybe more than 1,000 days.
Uy, thank you very much for the kind words, bro! Truly, you serve as one of my inspirations to do more. By the way, I know it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - I love the way you write your posts bro! You will travel around the world someday! And I kid you not!
Congrats on your first year! You took to blogging like fish to water.
Inside Pool, huh?
Pasikat ka naman!
Hi AnitoKid!
What a great and inspiring post this is! I am amazed at your achievements in one short (or is it long?) year! You have accomplished so much and I can only imagine that your 2nd year will be even greater.
All the best in blogging and billiards!
I love the idiomatic expression you used, bro! Galing!
Biglang naubo ako sa Pasikat ka naman! Reminded me of our group and all! And I kid you not!
Much thanks my friend! Just lucky, i guess! :) hi hi hi
Much thanks for being one of my online friends early on! This blogging art truly is an adventure! And I kid you not!
happy 1st year anniversary kabayan! ^_^
Maraming salamat kabayan! Ang danda-danda ng site mo! And I kid you not!
Happy first year,
You have given me a new look at Billiards.
I have enjoyed the articles.
My your second year be even more fruitful.
What can I say bro? You've come a long way. And I must say that I'm glad that we crossed paths. More so, that we journeyed the blogging world together. It was a (very evil) learning experience. Hehe.
Happy anniversary, anitokid! More power to you and your blog! ;)
Congrats. You so deserve all the accolades you are receiving. And I come here for my billiards stories, you got me more interested in the sport even though I'm not really into it. Keep up the great work :-)
@Kyle & Svet:
Much thanks for the kind words my friends. Such thoughts have served as an inspiration throughout my initial year. And I kid you not!
Maraming salamat mga kaibigan! (Thank you very much friends!)
@Novice Blogger:
The honor is mine, bro! We had nice memories indeed! And yes, evil ones too! Our lives will continue to be enriched as we continue this journey together with our friends, my brother!
And look at you now - an analyst for one of the biggest names in the banking industry! Heavy!
Wander Woman was be pissing in her pants right now! ha ha ha! And I kid you not!
Much thanks Joni! Maraming salamat sa pagbati, kaibigan!
Much thanks, kabayan! And may I just say that you are one of those who inspire me to do my best! Danda-danda ng site mo bro! And very informative too! And I kid you not!
hey there. congrats ha. and grabe nothing has changed. bolero ka pa rin.
anitokid! =D congratulations on your 1 year in the blogosphere. at least here, we still get to be young haha!
hope you make more posts and reviews next year. hope to see you again soon!
Ha ha ha! Much thanks for the support, my friend! Miss the jogging blues! And I kid you not!
Maraming salamat, kaibigan! It's you who we are proud of, being able to land that dream job and all! Talagang magaling! And I kid you not!
And much thanks for the Dairy Queen dessert!
Congratulations Kabayan!
It's been a pleasure blogging with you!
Mabuhay from Singapore!
Kabayan! Happy Anniversary! Hehe mai regalo nko syo! ung lighter ko! hehe walang hiya ka! joke!
Much thanks, my friend! At maraming salamat sa lighter - ooops! Ha ha ha!
twas nice too see you all again, bro! And I kid you not!
@Culture Shiok:
Much thanks Bean! Maraming salamat talaga kabayan!
I'm so sorry I haven't been able to do my blog rounds so I missed this. Congratulations, my friend! I know now it's no mean feat to keep up a blog with such quality as yours, especially knowing that you're also very busy offline. I salute you and you really deserve all the accolades you're receiving. Thank you very much for choosing my review, too. It wasn't difficult to write about a blog that so obviously has a lot to brag about. The reviews practically wrote themselves :D
Write on, AnitoKid!!!
@Manila Mom:
Much thanks for the kind words, my friend. Your words and belief in me continue to inspire me. And I kid you not!
heya Akid, congrats!
Nga pala bakit ndi ka pa ri kasali sa sali na!!! i have an explanation of the service in my blog.... read mo please.
pero siguro d mo na din gusto ma-quadruple ung blog traffic mo d ba? nyahaha
Thanks kabayan! Will browse it - promise! And I kid you not!
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