Dynasty on their minds. Not dynamism. Political dynasty - Da Daily Donkey
Da Daily Donkey award goes to the
political dynasties in the Philippines
Just saw a post on political dynasties, which got me thinking about some of the country's top political clans. Some of the firsts that came to mind include:
- The Macapagals
- The Marcoses
- The Ejercitos/Estradas
- The Cojuangcos
- The Osmenas
- The Cayetanos
From PCIJ.org:
- "There is at least one political family in almost every province. Nearly 80% of the members of the 13th Congress are from political families, according to a GMA Network News Research study. That the Anti-Dynasty Bill has been stuck in a rut for this long is most probably due to the fact that 166 district representatives — or 8 out of 10 — are not about to pass legislation that would go against their interest."
And from Halalan07:
Of all the issues Koko Pimentel was asked to comment on in his podcast interview, there was one he dismissed as a “non-issue” —- political dynasty. According to him, the political dynasty provision in the 1987 Constitution is stated this way: “The State shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service, and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law.” Since there is no law defining what a political dynasty is and also no law prohibiting relatives of incumbent officials from running for public office, it is unfair to single him out, he said in a news release from his website dated January 25.
So what is fair, Koko? It just so happens that it was your father, Nene Pimentel, who unsuccessfully sponsored the bill. AnitoKid“Since the second part of the provision is not yet effective, isn’t the first part applicable to me?” he said.
A novel pro-active approach to political dynasties, if I ever saw one. Indeed, this is a new one. This kid is smart. But little does he know that we have stopped talking about the legal issues and moved on to the social aspects. Tsk. AnitoKidBut if he was to get elected and an anti-dynasty bill was filed in the Senate, he said that he will propose to limit its effectivity to the presidency because it is the most powerful position in the entire government bureaucracy.
Wait, didn't you just whined about being singled out? With your proposal, you will leave the others (that includes you, your family and everybody else) untouchable. Something is not right with your views. AnitoKid
“What is the evil sought to be prevented by an anti-dynasty provision? It is the unfair advantage of the vast resources of a government office. And in the Office of the President, there are billions of pesos to be spent at the discretion of the president,” he explained.
You forgot to mention the millions of resources allocated to Senators. AnitoKid
- Senator Nene Pimentel seems to agree. “I believe that the dynasty issue may not accurately depict the situation in our case,” he said in the news release. “In the ultimate analysis, it is the people who will determine and decide whether it is right for Koko to get elected to the Senate.”
Yeah, we, the Filipino people, are always at the losing end whenever it comes to times like these. AnitoKid - The senator may be right. But the people will also be left wondering if Koko will be saying the same thing when his own son, Aquilino Pimentel VI, runs for senator."
How can Filipinos expect credibility from members of the Philippine Senate to convince the rest of the nation that this bill, The Anti-Dynasty Bill, should be passed when they themselves are violating the practice of such. Ang gagaling ninyo! Jan kayo mahusay!
When one's seat is so sacred, so safe, that the "Honorable Official" is not concerned about perception, a number of things happen:
- one becomes too wedded to Malacañang;
- one loses touch with their constituency;
- and one loses touch with their real purpose.
These are my views. What are your thoughts?
What do you think, thinker?
thanks for the link kabayan! ur blog is on my blogrolll to kabayan! weeeeeeeeeeee!! ^__^
yet another cool filipino blog ^__^
@ Jehzeel and Jemme: Much thanks kabayans! More power!
Well, I agree with most of what is said about the pros and "mostly" cons of allowing political dynasty flourish in our country... In Las Pinas City, the Villar and Aguilar clans rule the city since the 1970s. People think that they are doing their jobs well so the Villar and Aguilar got more than 98% of the vote last May 2007 elections. The remaining 2% ay pinaghatian pa ng mga kalaban nila. hehehe
You got that right, Kegler747. And come to think of it, why are political dynasties so prevalent in our country? Maybe there's no real 2-party system here? Hmmmmm
I really really agree with this post. It is very true anywhere in the Philippines and it is unlikely to die in the near future. A very good example is the politics in Abra. Political dynasties are one of the main reasons for the sober state of the Philippines. Very sad...
True! True! Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
kabayan! thank you so much for adding me sa blogroll... il add u too! mabuhay ang mga filipino bloggers! :)
P.S.: please feel free to get the DOST-SEI badge, para dagdag links na rin sa DOST-SEI Community... :)
thanks po ng marami kabayan ^__^
Filipino bloggers rock! Jehzeel, my friend, much thanks for the initiative you've taken for me :) Will always remember the gesture...
This is unfair...to Donkey!!! :D
My family loves Donkey, AnitoKid! He doesn't deserve being identified with these pulitikos.
Prince Charming award kaya? Tutal mahilig sila magpa-charming. That's all they know, it seems.
Yeah, IT IS unfair to Donkey. Might have the need to change the picture though! Actually, Donkey from Shrek is kinda cute :) I'll try to find a replacement pic soon....
One of the arguments raised by politicians about political dynasty is the definition of such term.Technically, the situation in the Philippines is far from being a dynasty. In dynasties, change of leadership is manifested through heirs. The eldest son will usually become the heir apparent to the throne and the succession continues. Here in the Philippines, however, change of leadership is done through an election. Based on that reality, a dynasty will never fit the bill. This is one lesson that has to swallowed long and hard. Make laws according to their definitions and ensure that exemptions are made applicable "only" in uncontrollable circumstances. Wait a minute, aren't the ones making the laws are the politicos taking the center stage in this post? I just wasted some precious time stating the obvious and coming up with nothing substantial. I think the people deserve most of the blame for the existence of these so-called "political dynasties". After all, the people have all the capacity to initiate the change using their one vote. (this is not an ad) Happy Fathers' Day Anitokid... and to all the fathers in the world.... Great!
Thanks Sam! Your comments are always a welcome read here! Makes me think and ponder! Take care!
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