Apple Inc. Gains Market Share! MacBook and Leopard Popular!
Shareholders of Apple Inc. are in for a treat! Apple’s market share for personal computers is surging at an all time high! Computer industry analysts forecast that AAPL would move into third place in the United States behind Hewlett-Packard and Dell after it reports product shipments in the fiscal fourth quarter (part of its earnings announcement).
On October 26, 2007, Friday, Apple Inc. will debut its Leopard operating system, which integrates a range of features that have both analysts and users going ga-ga over it. Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs believes that the Leopard will bring about a schedule of product upgrades, which could continue for as long as a decade! As you all know, AAPL has put out major releases of its OS on the average of one per year. Leopard, which offers more than 300 new features, is the sixth major upgrade that Apple Inc. has made to the Mac OS X since the operating system was launched in 2001. Such product pacing has allowed it to outshine Microsoft Corporation (MSFT), which took five to seven years to debut Windows
Apple Inc.’s pricing strategy for the Leopard is also worth noting. Amidst the multiple editions of

Here’s an interesting thought. Is it a coincidence that 2007 is the first year that notebook computers have made up more than 50% of computer sales in the US and that two-thirds of Apple machines sold in the country were laptops? Top that off with AAPL’s share of home PC revenue, which increased in the last four quarters. Wait! This still doesn’t even include the huge surge in demand for Apple Inc.’s MacBook and MacBook Pro this holiday season! According to results of Solutions Research Group’s survey, Apple-branded technology products are in the top five overall with one-in-six considering purchase! Why the surge in popularity? In their respective categories, Apple Inc.’s MacBook and MacBook Pro are much better products than the others! Pound for pound! Plain and simple! An exciting feature that always comes to mind is "Boot Camp" that lets users install and utilize Microsoft's Windows on Macs! A Genius demonstrated this feature to me at the
All of these developments and more translate to a very happy holiday season for Steve Jobs, Apple Inc., and its shareholders. And I kid you not!
Interesting posts on Steve Jobs and Apple Inc.
- The Geek and The Nerd
- Apple Know What It Is Doing
- iPhone and Leopard - One Has to Give In?
- AAPL Delays Leopard for the iPhone
- Surface Computing
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You know what to do :)
Well said and well written. As an OS X user myself, I can testify that its a great OS. Maybe its too great, as every time I go to do a simple chore, I for a minute or two, I end up spending hours on other things because the OS is just so fun to use.
One way to tell if something is popular is just to visit Amazon's top-ten lists. In the computer section, Apple normally takes the top five to nine spots out of the top ten!
Every time I got to a Power Mac Cener, I end up spending an hour playing with the MacBook! I have to get one soon! With hope, this Christmas!
Glad you liked the post!
ako rin. a future macbook owner here in four months or so when my notebook turns three :)
Good luck kabayan! I simply love the MacBook's white color! Was attracted at first sight! And I kid you not!
I guess Bill Gates is grumpy about this news. Jobs might be able to put presents under his Christmas tree this year. :)
@Kyle & Svet:
I guess so, my friend! Ha ha ha! And oh! AAPL is now bigger than IBM! And I kid you not!
hello po officemate ;)
i'm excited about the leopard OS. My roommate just ordered one for the Friday release...haay... hope i can own one too someday :p
Cool blog!
I've been using PCs since I was in grade school, and would very much love to try out Apple's OS. Leopard's new 300 features has enticed me to wish for one one. And I kid you not!
its been awhile buddy!!! i miss the giant who plays Madonna's on endless repeat . . . hope all is well Les.
What a pleasant surprise bro! I miss you too, Mr. Romania! And how is everyone? Si Annie, how is she? It goes without saying, bro, but i sure do miss your company. And i kid you not!
Much thanks for dropping by!
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