LifeLock: Proactive Identity Theft Protection!

What separates LifeLock from the rest is that the LifeLock identity theft protection program actually prevents identity theft. LifeLock puts fraud alerts on credit records and every 90 days, when the fraud alerts expire, LifeLock goes back and renews them. It’s like an automatic thing and all for LifeLock. And when someone tries to open an account using your information, LifeLock will immediately contact you for confirmation – to determine whether it is really you submitting a credit application.
LifeLock will also take one’s name off junk mail and telephone solicitation lists. More than just an annoyance and a waste of precious resources, pre-approved credit offers are one of the easiest ways for criminals to acquire one’s personal information and apply for fraudulent credit. LifeLock more than gives everyone that much-needed sigh of relief from daily annoyances – it protects one’s good name and all!
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