Maria Agatha Wins the Presidency of Her School's Student Body Council!
Daddy's Little Girl,
The Apple of My Eye,
One of the Reasons for My Being,
My Closeness - My Soulmate

of her school's Student Body Council!!!

Congratulations Anak koy!
I highlighted the fact that she will not be able to please everybody. I even reminded her that she has already actively served the Council for two years straight as a Representative since Grade IV. And she has achieved so many firsts and realized a lot of accomplishments both in academics and sports, and that there is nothing more to prove.
Gave her other facts of the matter - that this will be a difficult campaign to mount because three persons are vying for the same post - a three-way split of the votes. And she is up against two studious and quite popular students! I also elucidated the possible scenario of a win - she will be juggling her school time between studies, her duties as Class President, and responsibilities as President of the Student Body Council. AND it will eat some of the time she devotes to her personal self.
Looking at me, straight in the eye, without batting an eyeslash, she said in a determined-yet-loving voice,
- "Yes, Dad - if you will support me. I am in Grade VI, graduating in 2008, and this will the last opportunity to serve my constituents in the elementary level. I count my blessings and I believe that I have given something back to the community, but I want to give more, Dad."
- "What's your platform of governance, Anak?"
- "STARS Dad. Students for Teachers, Achievements, Recreation, and Social work."
- (And to be honest with you, I was impressed. Very much impressed with her slogan and all...)
- "Win or lose, will you wholeheartedly accept the outcome?"
- "Yes, Dad."
- "Do you want to win, Anak?"
- "Yes, Dad."
- "Ok. Let's do our best to win this thing."
- "I Love you, Dad."
- "I love you more, Anak. Much more."
And how did we capped the two days filled with laughter, love, and hope? With a dinner for two at Max's filled with more love and laughter! And I kid you not!