Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dedicated Server Hosting at Web Hosting Geeks!

Web Hosting Geeks GraphicA billiards buddy of mine sent a short email asking for help in finding a dedicated server website. My pool player friend wants to determine the best web hosting providers serving the Internet community. You see, he is planning to put up an online business and knowing his options with regards to dedicated server opportunities would really help him – both in the short and long term.

I quickly activated my ever-dependable online search tools from the United States. My software highlighted a number of interesting dedicated server sites, including that of Web Hosting Geeks.

Web Hosting Geeks features independent reviews of the best web hosting providers, which include cheap professional web hosting services. Some of the sites mentioned at Web Hosting Geeks feature an under $10 a month fee! And get this, such integrate webhosting plans with at least one free domain name registration and a 30 day money back guarantee! Wow! It doesn’t get any better than this, friends!

Moreover, Web Hosting Geeks ranks each site according to a criteria, e.g., best price-value ratio, host reliability, uptime, key features, bonus features, customer support, past and current customer feedbacks, user-friendliness, and hosting awards! You definitely couldn’t go wrong with finding the best dedicated server sites on the planet! And I kid you not!

For those looking for dedicated server sites and reviews, do try Web Hosting Geeks! And realize countless opportunities for your niche markets – now!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Puyat Sports 9-Ball Cup: 9-Ball Excitement in the Pool Capital of the World!

Puyat Sports Cup GraphicBilliards buddies and pool players, come and join the Makati Pool Players Association's (MAPPA) Puyat Sports 9-Ball Cup this coming August 21-22, 28-29, and 31, 2009!

Led by its president, Jesse (Gonzales) Cambosa, and its set of officers for 2009, the MAPPA Puyat Sports 9-Ball Cup is geared toward promoting camaraderie and sportsmanship among all pool players. Open to all amateurs, the competition is red hot with sponsors and all! Prizes and surprises await the winners and participants!

Food galore and overflowing drinks are the order of the day come tournament play! TV crews will dot the landscape of the AMF-Puyat Superbowl, Makati Cinema Square, while lovely usherettes will assist anyone, and everyone, entering the tour! And yes, some of the country's top pool players will also be there, too! And I kid you not!

Fun! Excitement! And more! Come one! Come all! Experience 9-ball competition like you never did before at the MAPPA Puyat Sports 9-Ball Cup!

Mabuhay ang MAPPA!
Mabuhay ang bilyar!
Mabuhay ang manlalarong bilyarista!

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Efren Bata Reyes on Probe Profiles! Part 4!

When did you realize that you’re already famous? That every one knows you.

It all changed for me in 1999. It wasn’t that way before. Yes, I always won but when I was just starting out to play, my fans were those from the rice fields, mostly kids - way before I joined tournaments! But 1999 changed everything! Now, the whole world knows – even where I will play! There are also countless who want my autographs!

Have you ever thought that you have been instrumental in uplifting the image of the Filipino?

I don’t know if that is the case.

Would you still be joining tournaments? That you still hold the title of being the best pool player in the world?

I don’t ever think of myself being the best or holding such a title.

CHE-CHE: (@1:00)
Nobody could have prepared Efren, particularly with what he was about to see when he arrived in the Philippines – fresh from his World Pool Championship win in Cardiff in 1999.

I cried when I saw the thousands of people of greeted me at the airport.

Why did you cry?

Of course! I was very surprised!

You cried?

Yes, I cried!

What were you thinking then?

What is this? Why? Suddenly, I felt afraid to speak. It wasn’t like this before! Why all this shower of affection for me? It’s too much! I thought, “Maybe my countrymen loves me?”

Efren in Monitor (crying):
Of course, I am very happy.

Announcer in monitor:
Efren has indeed gone far…

What did you feel when you saw the thousands of well-wishers at the airport? people greeting you? Calling and chanting your name?

I become nervous, of course. Thus, I don’t know what to say, especially during interviews. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Since then, the people worshipped Efren.

After he won the World Championship, we played at Senator Manny Villar’s Star Mall (in Alabang, Muntinlupa). It was attended by 10,000 people – probably the most number of attendees in a pool event!

In the match between Django Bustamante and Efren Reyes, people would booo Bustamante every time he comes to the table to shoot – not wanting him to play at all! I said, “They should stop it. Django fill fight it out.” And that’s how the people love Efren!

This is what I won – the World Japan Championship.

Countless accolades, awards and recognitions were bestowed upon Efren since then. Presidential Legion of Honor (2000), Billiards Congress of America Hall of Fame (2001), and inclusion in Time Magazine’s 60 Asian Heroes (2006), which included Cory Aquino, Lee Kwan Yu, Mahatma Gandhi, and Mother Teresa.

What did you feel when you were included in Time Magazine’s 60 Asian Heroes?

Why was I included in this? There are so many others, much better than me and more accomplished, like Flash Elorde. Such should be the one in the list! And Paeng Nepomuceno, he was 4x World Champion then! Heck, these were famous and accomplished athletes even before I entered the scene!

I asked the chief editor of Time Magazine of why Efren Reyes was chosen to be in the list. He answered, “All of our junior editors – they unanimously chose him. They are his fans!”

I said, “But billiards is not a popular sport in Hong Kong!”

And the editor answered, “But we see him on TV. He is the unanimous choice.”

Puyat will never forget the speech Efren gave when he received the recognition from Time Magazine.

And he said, “Asian hero? Why me?” “I haven’t done anything to change Asian life!”

Efren said that?

Yes, he said that. He g
ave his speech In Filipino. His speech was translated by Ronnie Nathanielsz. I was even supposed to read the English translation – my opportunity to speak to the distinguished guests at the event. However, Time Magazine’s senior editor approached me and requested that if he could have the privilege of reading the translation.

I said, “Sure! Go ahead! It’s ok.” But could I do, right?

And what did Efren say in his speech?

Why is he being branded as a hero? That he is no her
o. That if he was chosen because of the upsurge in the popularity of the sport, then they got it all wrong. It is not his doing. It is because of, and said thanks to, the promoters, fellow pool players, and sponsors who continue to promote billiards to where it Is today.

Efren Bata Reyes GraphicCHE-CHE:
So, he has remained humble? He has remained humble?


His humility is is is unbelievable!

Is he, among all the athletes that you have met, Filipino athletes, does he stand out?

Well, in terms of achievements, I supposed Pacquiao stands out. But in terms of humanity, the human dimensions of an athlete, Bata Reyes and Elorde are way ahead of Pacquiao in my estimation.

In 2006, Efren surprised Nathanielsz even more! Efren entered and won the $500,000 prize in the International Pool Tour of multimillionaire Kevin Trudeau.


Bata won that but didn’t get paid! The Americans threatened to sue Trudeau. Bata said “No!” Django said, “No!” Efren’s reasoning was: In my first match there, I won $100,000, and was paid right away. This time, I know he (Trudeau) has problems and things like that. We’ll wait. Give him time. And Trudeau did pay in installment! And Bata was very happy about that!

And you know, to him (Bata), money is not a prime consideration. His attitude is to make the Filipino fans in the audience happy! That’s all!

CHE-CHE: (@6:05)
Efren gives more than joy to his countrymen. And to his fellow pool players! He gives much more than that!

He gives honor to our country, the Philippines! And
personally, the biggest thing he has done is that whenever he plays abroad, he brings smiles and joys to the country’s newfound heroes, our overseas foreign workers (OFW). Our OFWs would watch him and would be given the chance to wave the Philippine flag – a display of patriotic fervor!

Remember the little girl who won the Women’s World 10 Ball Championship – Rubilen Amit? She is a tremendous player! She beat some of the men! This is what you like about people like Efren and Django! They spend hours playing with her so she’ll improve her skills, which is the perfect example of the nature of these men who are legends in their time.

Hmmm. Is that why they are champions?

I think so! Because it’s not the winning or the losing. It’s the way they play the game. And the attitude they show. Their demeanor – at the table and off the table.
Bata! Reyes! Among all the players in the world, they always have a vote to who is their hero. Ninety percent voted for Bata Reyes! And they are his opponents! Ninety percent says he is the nicest man to play the game!

At 54, Efren admits that his game, his speed, is changing - slowly.

No more! My hand can’t do the shots I used to do. My eyes even hurt – especially when I take a long time for a particular shot.

He now misses some shots that he used to execute flawlessly and effortlessly when he was younger.

My neck is now like stiff – can’t seem to bend it well like I used to. That is the reason why I now fail to execute some trickshots. You see, in trickshots, there are different body positions, line of sight, aiming, etc.

And because he is a true champion, Efren is ready to accept losses. Accept defeats.

You said that you can’t win every time. You’ll no longer be a winner all the time, right?

Yes, you are right.

Who is the world’s number one in billiards?


His name is, ranked number one today, Dennis Orcollo.

Is he Filipino?

Yes, he is. He is the one who frequents tournaments nowadays.

I see! Are you happy with that?

And why not? We have so many good Filipino players here! It’s like a challenge for us!

You’re happy – even for other pool players?

Of course! I want more players to improve! Thus, I’ll have more opponents!

It’s been another episode of Profle. You can watch the final parts of our interview on

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Efren Bata Reyes on Probe Profiles! Part 3!

With regards to your winnings, what did you do with it?

I first bought a house, of course. Money prizes in billiards are not that big, in comparison to those won by our boxing idol, i.e., Manny Pacquiao. Imagine, our winnings in the sport pale in comparison to his! Not even 1% of Manny’s earnings from a single fight! I’ve been playing for 30 years, but the earnings I’ve earned from all those years doesn’t even compare to that earned by Manny Pacquiao in a single fight – not even 1%!

That is the first car that Efren bought.

In Angeles City, Pampanga, one can see the fruits of Efren’s labor. Cars, real estate properties, e.g., apartments. According to Rufino, even when Efren was just starting to play, his younger brother would give away all his winnings, not ever thinking about himself.

Efren will give all his winnings to our father. All of it! He doesn’t keep anything for himself. And when Efren needs money, he asks from our father. For example, our father would always give Efren money whenever one of my uncles fetches Efren for a money game match.

Ronnie Nathanielsz is all praises for Efren in this regard.

He looks after all his relatives. He doesn’t give them money. He frowns at giving them money! He sends them to school. He helps them in their housing and food. But he never gives them money. He doesn’t like giving them money because for him that is spoiling. His thinking is, “You work for what you want, but I will help you.”

He asked us what we want to do with our lives, e.g., business. He gave all of us starting capital to put up our own respective businesses. With regards to my siblings, I don’t know, I guess they used it as a business capital. However, the businesses went bankrupt. I used mine to build a house for my kid.

Besides his winnings from billiards tournaments and money-game matches, Efren’s fame and stardom has allowed him to also earn from commercials and motion pictures.

In 2003, I starred in the motion picture, “Pakners” with Fernando Poe Jr., the king of Filipino movies. I have received many offers to do a movie even before that, e.g., about six offers – the sixth was from Fernando Poe Jr.! I declined them all, saying that I am too shy to appear in such, thus, I cannot do it. Fernando Poe Jr is my idol, and that’s the only reason why I agreed to do a movie with him.

All of Efren’s earnings go straight to his wife, Susan.

We have successfully acquired a number of properties, including real estate like apartments in Diamond – about eight properties. We also bought a farm – a farm in Porac, Pampanga.

This used to be Susan’s role in Efren’s life when they were still childhood friends.

I was the one who initially suggested to him that he put his money in the bank, instead of letting it go to waste. You see, Efren just gives all his money away. That’s how he is. I suggested to him that I put his money in the bank for him. I put his money in the bank – starting with an initial deposit of, if I remember correctly, Php40,000.

Efren Bata Reyes ImageCHE-CHE:
Susan and Efren first met at the Lucky 13 pool hall in Manila, the pool hall where Efren started playing billiards.

I was a waitress then. On the 2nd floor of that building was the pool hall owned by his uncle. Efren doesn’t know how to court. He courts using his eyes – he just glances at me. He writes letters. He doesn’t even speak to me. He courts me through letters.

The pool hall was owned by one of my cousins. My cousin had a brother, who is the fiancée of Susan’s sister. We used to be their chaperone on dates.

What happened then?

What happened was, it was Susan and I who successfully ended up with one another. The two we used to chaperone broke up in the end.

Susan and Efren lived together and had two kids. They wer
e living together for almost 10 years when Efren decided to surprise Susan.


Three days after arriving from the US, Efren said, “Please accompany me. We are going somewhere - a Christening in Pasay City.”

We waited at the 2nd floor of the Pasay City Hall. And waited, still. I thought it was strange. Efren said it was a Christening but nobody was there.

Then the godfathers and godmothers started to arrive, as well as the guests. There was like 10 of us altogether there. Then, the one in charge of the ceremony also arrived. He said, “Shall we start with the wedding?”

I was dumbfounded! Was very much surprised! You see, it was like unthinkable because I was a single mother – I have two children from the first – and Efren was very much single. The thought that Efren would marry me never crossed my mind! I was really surprised! All I could do then was cry.

CHE-CHE (@5:00):
Efren and Susan have 3 kids and 3 grandchildren. Did anyone follow your footsteps?

None. My eldest – my son here.

Oh! He’s here?

He is here. But all he knows is lose on the pool table!

You didn’t teach him?

He doesn’t want me to teach him. I tried to, but he doesn’t want me to do so.

People might think that I’m good as my father. But no. I bec
ome nervous on the pool table! He tried teaching me, of course. However, he thinks that I should have started young if I really wanted to be good in billiards. I’m 26 years old now, and will have a difficult time becoming good in the sport.


In his heyday, Efren was usually out of the house when the kids were growing up, e.g., tournaments, matches, commitments, and travels. Thus, Efren would miss a number of important events in the kids’ lives. This deeply saddened Efren’s youngest – Cielo.

There were times, e.g., events, that he wasn’t there, which I would have very much liked to have him. He was always busy with his work. Like simple events in school wherein I would perform, it would have been great if he had been there. To watch us. To be with us. However, he could not make it.

I used to say to him, “You’re kids don’t know you. I’m the only one with them. You’re always out of the house.” The kids weren’t that close to Efren when they were still little, unlike now.

Efren understands this. He understands them.

My family knows that my life – billiards - it’s all about tournaments. My son here always accompanies me whenever I play. Why so? He is always waiting for someth
ing. :)

Susan is nervous whenever Efren plays. Always. That is why she seldom accompanies Efren in his matches. According to Efren, he feels his wife’s nervousness whenever he plays.

For Susan, Efren’s win in 1999 in Cardiff, Wales, was the most unforgettable – the most memorable - of all.

That is where he became famous! We were all very happy! We are all jumping with glee!

This is the very first billiards tournament to be broadcast all over the world.

Filipinos stayed up till 3 to 4 in the morning to watch him play. We covered it here. But he just mauled the Chinese-Taipei guy! He just played with him!

According to Nathanielsz, Efren’s win in Cardiff changed Efren’s life and the image of billiards in the Philippines forever.

He won the championship in 1999. And that’s when pool or billiards caught a boom in the Philippines. Within weeks, billiards halls were sprouting up all over Tomas Morato - all over the country – like the basketball courts in every street corner.


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Efren Bata Reyes on Probe Profiles! Part 2!

Where did the name Bata originate? Why do they call you Bata?

There used to be a player named Efren when I was starting out – and a good one, too! He was also like famous in the local circuit - carved a name for himself, too. And to differentiate us, when we’re together and for everyone else, e.g., fellow pool players, he was called Efren Matanda (old) and I, Efren Bata (Kid).

According to Putch Puyat, your talent is God-given. What does that mean?

It’s like the One above gave me the talent to excel in billiards. Just imagine, I have like learned all of the tips and tricks there are in this sport. In the beginning, I didn’t even know that this is a sport! Billiards used to be a hush-hush thing! The old ones used to scold us whenever they see us, the young ones, play! They would also forbid us to go to pool halls!

Efren is the 5th child of 9 of a wet market vendor from Culubasa, Mexico, Pampanga.

RUFINO REYES (brother):
He has done no wrong to anyone. Wasn’t mischievous in any sort of way. He is very kind. He doesn’t like fights. He also used to be like aloof – not socializing with anyone who are (inaudible).

To help out the family, Efren’s father decided to bring the 5-year old Efren to Manila. Efren worked as a pool attendant at the Lucky 13 pool hall in Manila, which was owned by one of his uncles.

Efren had absolutely no interest in billiards at that point in time.

My interest in billiards started when I began seeing players hand each other money after their respective matches. I didn’t understand gambling, then. Thus, I started playing in hopes that they’ll give me money, too!

Ha ha ha! Thus, money was like your primary motivation when you started playing billiards! But being a 5-year-old, you could only partially see all of the table! How did you cope with your play?

Whenever I couldn’t reach a shot, I would get three cases of Coca-Cola and stack ‘em one on the top of the other. Then, I’ll stand on the stack for the shot.

Pursigido si Efren!

He will always be seen playing. Even playing one-handed because he was short – couldn’t see all the table! And he still played even when he couldn’t see all of the table! In the end, he learned. And he learned well!

I remember sleeping on pool tables. I will immediately play whenever I wake up. And I will also play before going to bed. (You could really feel the emotions from Efren when he was saying this. I was there.)

Rufino was very much surprised with Efren’s talent on the pool table.

We really didn’t expect Efren to become good in billiards. Then, we saw him play! He was really good! In fact, he was very good! Thus, what happened, our uncle started bringing Efren to money-game matches.

He beat the champion here! He became good here (Paki? inaudible). He beat everybody and anybody here! All of us – those really knowledgeable in billiards – he beat us all!

Twelve years old, that’s the age Efren started to become a road player – looking for money-game matches everywhere – and anywhere! And because the motion picture, “The Hustler”, was popular that time, money game matches was the “in” thing in pool halls, too!

According to Mr. Berting Bisaya, Efren had Chinese friends who would bet on him in money-game matches.

Efren had a manager (money-game manager/financier) named Guding (from Escolta, Manila). Guding made Efren his tirador – money game player. Efren also received a salary from Guding.

Did you enjoy the trips you made? The ones you made looking for money-game matches?

Why wouldn’t I enjoy them? We always make money every time we were on the road. We always win! And I always get a cut of the money prize. Thus, I always have money to bring home!

This is where I first saw Efren. He lost his first match. And many after that! But after one year, it was a totally different story! A totally different Efren! He was then all wins! He learned very fast!

Rolly is Efren’s childhood friend. Together, both Efren and Rolly toured the country’s billiards halls for money-game matches – hustling.

We used to go to Clark Air Base in Pampanga to play against the US servicemen – to earn money. You know, we would go from billiards joint to another looking for money game matches. Matches also ran in the thousands of pesos back then because bets there were in dollars!

Efren become known for his fancy shots, which he learned and developed from watching players who get lucky with their shots.

Those with fancy shots are those who do not know how to play. It’s all luck! There are players who shoot softly but the shot becomes strong. There are also those who shoot hard, but the outcome is like a soft shot. And then, there are those that aim and shoot at different parts of the cueball, e.g., low, middle, and high, with different effects on the ball.

It was only a matter of time before Efren Reyes’ name and speed spread like wildfire among the local pool halls. He became a feared player in billiards halls!

They see my speed and smarts on the table. And they know that will have a very difficult time playing and winning against me. Thus, there were very, very, very few who would play against me.

Because of fear?

Yes. That is why I decided to get a job in a printing press.

Efren got a job in a printing press – arranging and stacking comic books. But, only after one year, he went back to billiards.

I earned Php90 a month at my job at the printing press. I decided to go back to billiards! I surmised that I’m better off in billiards. I can earn such amount playing billiards. Even in a worst case scenario, I will still earn that Php90 even if I only win once a month!

1975 – the year that an American sportswriter saw Efren Reyes play.

He saw me playing at the Lucky 13 pool hall. He was at the window – shooting pictures. He went back to the United States.

The pool players there were asked about their thoughts on who could possibly beat them – who is the best pool player? A player quipped, “The Japanese. They have a chance to beat us because they always play here.” The American sportswriter said, “There is already man who can beat you. All of you. He will soon be here. A man from the mountains. His name – Efren Reyes!

This news spoiled Efren’s strategies and plans when he comes the US. At this point in time, a Filipino in the US was already planning to bring Efren to the States – winning money game matches while hiding his true speed.

Thus, the name Efren Reyes became known there (United States). So how? How can I go there, hustle, and win? I had no interest in the tournaments there. Our goal there was to hide my speed and win money games – lots of it – by hustling! How could we do that if they know me? If they know my name? I can’t hide my speed and hustle well if they know me.

Because of the news that an Efren Reyes will come to the US, Efren and his backers came up with a new strategy, i.e., Efren used another name to go to the US – Caesar Morales.

In the US, Efren will deny that he is Efren Reyes. Pool players there have already heard of his name and great speed – yet, they do not know how he looks like. When he lands in the US, Efren will be in disguise. Efren’s goal then was to hustle.

If they knew that it was Efren Reyes they’re playing against at, Efren will be having a difficult time finding opponents. It is possible that he will have opponents and matches playing as Efren Reyes – but at difficult odds and weights! But with the name Caesar Morales – now, that’s a totally different story!

Not a single player in the US could match Efren’s speed on the table! Efren sowed the pool joints with ease, discovering new faces and facets of the sport.

‘Twas totally different in the US! Hey! We could actually forego money-game matches because of the big tournaments there! Thus, I entered a tournament using Caesar Morales as my name. My manager said, “I think we should use your real name. Otherwise, they may forfeit your prize if you don’t!” Thus, my manager told my real name to the promoter.

True! True!

At the end of the tournament, I remember the promoter saying, “It is okay if you played under a different name. Because guess what? Your opponent in the finals? He also played under a different name!”

Efren entered his first tournament in the US – The Red’s 9-Ball Open (Houston, TX) – and won it as Caesar Morales! However, the masquerade was soon all over when he signed his real name for a fan asking for an autograph! He signed it “Efren Reyes!”

The Americans were in awe with Efren’s speed - and shots they have never imagined possible nor seen before done on the pool table!

When I started beating them one by one, they said, “That person, Efren Reyes, is not from this world! He is from another planet!” Incidentally, a billiards magazine published a story on me and titled it, “The Man from A Different Planet,” with a picture of me wearing a mask.

Efren Reyes’ first prize in the US (Red’s 9-Ball Tour, 1985) was $10,500! However, he didn’t see a cent of it! He didn’t receive any cut whatsoever! Said the Filipino manager who brought him to the US, he (Efren) still owes him $50 for expenses! This saddened Efren.

I didn’t receive any money. Yet, I did not lose.

What happened to your winnings?

I don’t know. I guess it’s all gone. I haven’t since my managers since then.

CHE-CHE (@ 9:00):
Efren tried again his luck the next year. However, bad luck seemed to follow him, still.

Efren placed 3rd place only. In another tour, 2nd place only. And so on. During that time, Efren confided to me that he felt discouraged with what was happening to him. You know, Efren feels discouraged when he loses – as I surmise from our talks. I said to him, “Maybe, it’s not yet time. Who knows, when we suffer enough loses, and get tired of such, then we will win!

Rolly correctly forecast what was about to happen to Efren! And Efren was soon nicknamed The Magician!

The reason why I’m called The Magician? They say that every time I go to the US, people there would always see and learn something new, i.e., shots and tricks.

Efren’s successive wins and victories earned him the attention of the Puyat brothers. The Puyat brothers set up a showdown between Efren Reyes and Jose Amang Parica, the champion of the Philippines (year 1988).

The nagging question was: Who was the better player: Amang or Efren? People requested to know. Thus, we promoted a one-on-one match between Amang and Efren – race to 35. And Efren won that!

The Puyat brothers were convinced to promote Efren. One notable event supported by the Puyat brothers was the Color of Money - the match against Earl “The Pearl Strickland,” in Hong Kong.

This was a race to 135, thus, it took 3 days to finish. What happened was, my brother accompanied Efren and his pals in Hong Kong. I received daily updates on developments via phone calls.

On the second day, with 17 games to go, Efren was losing/down 35 games! People there said, “It’s futile! It’s a done deal!” Some of the people there with Efren even went back to their hotel room – not finishing the event. They couldn’t bear the thought of seeing Efren massacred by Earl.

On the 3rd day, Efren surprised every one!

Bata came back on the last day defeating him so badly. Because he was so way ahead in that match! And he thought it was all over! And Bata played some fantastic pool on the final day to beat him!

According to Efren, he managed to win that event
by tapping the balls!


Before the balls were set, Earl always tapped the first 3 balls in front of the 9-ball rack. What I did, I also tapped the balls – specifically the same first 3 balls – the 1 ball and the two balls behind it.

Why did you do it? Why did you also tap the balls?

I don’t know. Maybe my thinking/reasoning was Earl kept tapping the balls. He kept tapping the balls! Thus, I tapped the balls to change Earl’s luck during the break – because every time he breaks, at least a ball sinks in. In the end, it was I who was getting good breaks and none for Earl! Ha ha ha! And that’s how I overcome his hu
ge lead and beat him during the event in Hong Kong!

Efren is such a very superstitious person, according to his kumpadre, Django Bustamante.

For example, Efren takes a bath a day before the start of a tournament. And that’s it! He will not take a bath until the tournament ends. And this is particularly true when he plays very well on a particular day of an event! I guess, he doesn’t want to rub off the luck that is with him! And it’s true! Luck seems to be always with him!

I also correlate my clothes with my luck. I have clothes that I consider lucky. I don’t like wearing that I wore during a lost! Such area already unlucky for me!

And what clothes do you consider lucky?

Polo! Polo shirts! Not t-shirts! Those with a pocket on the left side of my chest. Or two pockets on both left and right side of my chest – like that!

Efren also had a thing to say about his dentures.

I said to him, you’re a rising star. You should wear dentures to be presentable! And thus, I encouraged him to have a dentist in Los Angeles make him one. And a dentist did! However, it seemed that we always lose when he wore the dentures during play.

What happened was, during one of our flights, he went to the comfort ro
om. He had no more dentures when he came back to his seat! I asked, “What happened? Why?” “I threw ‘em away! I can’t move comfortably with them!” said Efren. I guess he was right and I just nodded. With that, I let him be.

The Color of Money had a guaranteed $150,000 in prize money – the biggest prize in billiards then – and Efren won it against Earl Strickland!


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Efren Bata Reyes on Probe Profiles! Part 1!

Efren Reyes Graphic

INTRO: And one of the most lethal and legendary players in history…

Efren Bata Reyes! The one who became famous! And who made the sports of billiards that popular in the Philippines! And who is the most popular pool player in the world! Where did he come from? What is his success story? And what’s in store for the Magician, now that his magic seems to be waning?

In 30 years of playing billiards, wherein he has amassed so many trophies, awards, championships, and recognitions, does Efren Bata Reyes have any plans of letting go of his cue stick?

Amidst the numerous loses he is experiencing right now, I ask – Are The Magician’s days numbered?

CHE-CHE: (@2:00)
Simple in the way he dresses himself up. Always with a smile – even though toothless! Always scratching his head. At first glance, I couldn’t believe that he is the one they call The Magician in the sport of billiards!

But when he got his cue stick - I see a totally different Efren.

He is a natural mathematician or whatever you call it. Because he sees the angles like nobody else does. And he takes risks that others don’t take.

Bank shots! Safeties! And awesome trickshots! Efren can definite
ly easily run out the balls on the billiards table.

ROLLY VICENTE (childhood friend & manager):
Efren is an entertainer. Efren entertains people. That’s why people like him! People are always in awe! It’s his greatest selling point. Simply put - he is spectacular!

People watching him – it’s as if they hold their breath every time they watch him! And people always clap their hands when Efren enters a pool room.


Efren’s great ability to control the cue ball endears him to the champions of the sport! He is their idol!

Ronnie “The Volcano” Alcano - the last one to beat Efren Reyes in a major tour a few months ago. But every time that Ronnie opens his mouth, there is no doubt on who inspires him!

Of course, Efren Reyes is my idol! When I began to idolized him, I decided to have my teeth (all of ‘em!) pulled out to look like him! To be like him! Like Efren!

Efren Reyes ImageCHE-CHE:
What sets Efren’s game a cut above from the rest?


I believe it’s a God-given talent. In billiards, they call it “touch” – pulso – pulse.

And it’s not just in billiards that Efren Reyes stands out.

He is probably the simplest, humblest man I ever met in my life. There are two people that strike me with their humility – Flash Elorde and Bata Reyes.


Not a mean bone in their body. Never said anything nasty about anybody. Took the good with the bad. And they are very nice to the fans.

What sets him apart from other billiard players?

His humble beginnings. His very poor beginning.


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2009 DMC Philippines’ DJ Championship Philippine Finals & DJ Academy Launch!

DJ Academy GraphicThese days, there is a World Championship for almost everything – and yes, that includes DJ-ing. And this year, the Philippines’ best turntable masters will battle it our once again for the right to represent the country at the 2009 DMC World DJ Championships to be held in London, England.

DJ Academy GraphicPhoto shows DJ board members and faculty - all my good friends in the clubbing circuit. (From left): Jesse (Gonzales) Cambosa – president, Tony Garalde – Chairman of the Board, Lito Saez – Treasurer, DJ Sonny – Head DJ Mentor, Ms. Teresa Macenas – Corporate Secretary, DJ Radikal MK – Mentor, DJ Jet – Mentor, DJ Kimozave – Mentor, and DJ Skin Khadafi – Mentor.

DJ Academy ImageThe Philippine eliminations, billed as the 2009 World DJ Championships Philippine Finals, will be held on August 9, 8 p.m. at Stagecraft Trading along EDSA corner Reliance Street in Mandaluyong City.

The event will also serve as the grand launch of DJ, a one-of-a-kind school where DJ enthusiasts can learn the basic skills of DJ-ing.

To be featured on the grand finals night are special guest performances by top acts, including Pikaso, Posh, PYT, People’s Future, Pamilia Dimagiba, Miscellaneous, KrazyKyle, and the Mocha Girls.

DJ Academy GraphicLast year’s Philippine finals was won by DJ Skin Khadafi, who represented the country at the World Championships. DJ Fly of France won the world title, followed by DJ Slice form the USA; DJ Co-Ma of Japan; DJ Skully of the UK; DJ Final of Norway, and DJ Shub of Canada. The World Team championship title went to the teams from Japan, France, and Italy, respectively.

The event is produced by DMC Philippines and supported by Stagecraft Trading, DJ, Allen & Heath, Pioneer Pro DJ, Jimm’s Coffee, and Odyssey Music & Video. Media partners are Crossover FM 105.1, Jam 88.3, Magic 89.9, NU 107 FM, Max 103.5 FM, 99.5 RT, Yehey, Getzmo, and The AnitoKid of

DJ Academy ImageMy newest toys - soon!

Who will be this year’s Philippine representative to the World Championship? Will Filipino DJ’s take their place among the world’s best this year? Find out at the 2009 World DJ Championships Philippine Finals on Sunday, August 9!

*For those not in the know, the first picture above was taken by Larawan
Photography. It was subsequently published in the July 25, 2009 issue of the Manila Bulletin! And I kid you not! More info on Larawan Photography can be found HERE!

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