geek shirts, nerd shirts - take your pick
found these on the 'net...
possibly the best geek/nerd shirts
on the planet
Main Entry: shirt
Pronunciation: 'sh&rt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English shirte, from Old English scyrte;
akin to Old Norse skyrta shirt, Old English scort short
1 : a garment for the upper part of the body: as
a : a cloth garment usually having a collar, sleeves, a front opening,
and a tail long enough to be tucked inside trousers or a skirt
2 : all or a large part of one's money or resources
- shirt·less
/-l&s/ adjective
possibly the best geek/nerd shirts
on the planet
Main Entry: shirt

Pronunciation: 'sh&rt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English shirte, from Old English scyrte;
akin to Old Norse skyrta shirt, Old English scort short
1 : a garment for the upper part of the body: as
a : a cloth garment usually having a collar, sleeves, a front opening,
and a tail long enough to be tucked inside trousers or a skirt
2 : all or a large part of one's money or resources
- shirt·less

Hmm... gaya-gaya lang sila sa Spoofs!!! Proudly pinoy yaan!!!
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