China represents the future of the online industry and retreating from it is losing the future. Market leaders need to play their cards right if they want to stay in the game and ahead of the competition; and they can effectively do this by first leveraging on the effect of culture on mobile products and services. What remains to be seen are the short- and long-term effects of China's so-called liberation on the industry and its players. The government's drive to “purify” the Internet of “scandalous” materials not only threatens to suppress the realization of greater freedom inside the country, but hurt the reputation and interests of companies, e.g., Google, and negatively affect the business ecosystem. US-based companies also need to pay attention to the various provisions of the Global Online Freedom Act of 2007 legislation (Rep. Chris Smith). Such laws tend to open up doors to other proposals that will seriously affect companies' operations and business practices, both locally and internationally.
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Life is not meant to be easy, my child;
but take courage - it can be delightful.
.George Bernard Shaw.
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