A New Blog Toy From Samsung - The SGH-L760 Mobile Blog 3G Phone!
Hardcore bloggers and master bloggers, do check this out!
A mobile phone that is touted to fuel the current boom
in mobile Internet and user-created content services!

- The Samsung SGH-L760 promises to further fuel the current boom in mobile Internet and user-created content services. as it can upload directly to popular UCC sites like YouTube, Ublog and Buzznet. The phone will debut in Germany and Spain this month and next hit the Southeast Asian market.
- The new Samsung SGH-L760 Mobile Blog 3G Phone will meet the demands of the new generation of users who want to share their everyday life with others in real time.
- Available in metallic silver.
- The slide phone has a 2-megapixel camera and Bluetooth technology and operates in line with the UMTS technology (Europe’s 3G wireless technology).
- The mobile blog function's speedy data transmission will distinguish SGH-L760 from other handsets.
- The new Samsung SGH-L760 cellphone enables one to upload photos and videos directly to Youtube.com, Ublog.com and Buzznet.com.
- This UMTS 3G slider "mobile blog phone" features a 2 Megapixel camera, web browser, MP3 and video player, RSS reader, FM radio, and microSD card slot
The number of bloggers continue to grow at an amazing rate! And bloggers are in-tune with the technology that surrounds them. Can the Samsung SGH-L760 live up to its promise? Hmmm. It could be an interesting experience. And I kid you not!
Hey, you have been tagged here: http://www.luckyeveryday.info/2007/07/14/8-facts-abut-me/
Wow! would like to see one for myself.
I suggest anitokid that you buy one.
got plans of getting one kabayan?
@IngaOz: Will do the meme, my friend. :)
@747 and Batang Yagit: I'd rather not buy one right now, my friends. My phone that I have right now is a barely half-a-year old. However, it would be nice if Samsung lets me try one and make a review on it! :)
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