Saturday, July 19, 2008

Efren Bata Reyes vs.Kunihiko Takahashi: YouTube Video! Filipino Pool Player vs. Japanese Billiards Pro!

Billiards buddies, pool players, and fans of the cue sport, here are YouTube videos featuring Efren Bata Reyes, aka The Magician, going up against Japan's Kunihiko Takahashi!

The scene is the 20th US Open 9-Ball Championships at the Holiday Inn in Chesapeake, Virginia (September 30, 1995). It was hosted by Bill Incardona. The match is touted as one of the best ownage of Filpino pool player Efren Bata Reyes and his $13 pool cue! And I kid you not!

Without further ado, here are the YouTube videos! Enjoy!

Update: The video embedded in the YouTube link was produced by Accu-Stats Video Productions. Credits for the video production, and such and all relating to the embedded video via the link is duly acknowledged to Accu-Stats Video Productions.

Buy the video! Buy the original! Buy it direct from Accu-Stats Video Productions! Link is here, friends!

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