Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tom Rossman and His Pool Cues: A YouTube Video on Dr. Cue!

Billiards buddies and pool players, you are going to love this! Here is a YouTube video featuring Tom Rossman, aka Dr. Cue, being interviewed by one of my favorite InsidePool reporters, Vanessa de la Cuetara!

The interview highlights the pool cues, billiards accessories, and more billiards cues of Tom Rossman, which are truly one-of-a-kind! And I kid you not!

Enjoy the YouTube video, friends! I'm pretty sure that you will!

"The AnitoKid loves videos!"

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  1. nice post....i have biikmarked ur blog..thnx for info

  2. Much thanks, buddy!

    Bookmarked you too!

    And I kid you not!



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