Sunday, June 29, 2008

LifeLock & The Life Lock $1 Million Guarantee!

LifeLock GraphicMy billiards buddy, Jane Enaje, sent an email expressing her thanks for the tons of articles I did on LifeLock and the LifeLock reviews by consumers. Jane is a firm believer in identity theft protection and knows the importance of Life Lock in today’s computer age and all.

With regards to LifeLock's identity theft protection, unless you or someone else uses your information to apply for credit, you do not need to give your credit protection another thought – not one bit! And anytime someone applies for credit using your information, you are going to get a telephone call to confirm that it is the real you! Thus, if it is not you applying for credit, just say so and the theft attempt is foiled. It’s as easy as A-B-C, everyone! And that is why it is safe for LifeLock’s CEO Todd Davis to give out his Social Security number on TV! Why so? For starters, the information is useless to anyone else!

Here is a good example - just call LifeLock in the event you lose your wallet. While you are still on the phone, a recovery specialist will contact the bank, credit card companies, and any other document issuing agencies to cancel your cards and initiate replacements. What’s more, they will also start any necessary police reports or fraud affidavits if the loss is the result of theft! That’s excellent identity theft protection for everyone!

If somehow, someway, somewhere, one’s identity is stolen while a LifeLock customer, the LifeLock $1 million dollar total service guarantee will kick in for you! LifeLock will pay for attorneys, accountants, investigators, forensic computer specialists, case managers – whoever, wherever, and whatever it takes to make things right! Truth be told, that is a lot of service for anyone’s peace of mind! And I kid you not!


  1. AnonymousJune 30, 2008

    If you would like to learn even more about the LifeLock program and services, as well as it mission, purpose and goals as well as how it does what it does, you will enjoy the interview with LifeLock creator available on our consumer protection website ...

  2. Thanks! Will check it out! And do check out my other articles on LifeLock and the LifeLock promo codes!



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