Thursday, May 1, 2008

Clickbooth CPA Network: It's All In for Advertisers & Publishers!

A friend of mine from one of the world’s best known advertising agencies made a request to check out the Clickbooth CPA Network. From what I could gather, Clickbooth, a division of IntegraClick, Inc., was formed in September 2002. Clickbooth’s team experts in the fields of advertising, publishing, technology, and design, with one thing in mind, i.e., to realize and maintain the leadership position in the interactive marketing industry.

Clickbooth’s CPA Network (Cost per Acquisition or Cost per Action) is a leading form of media buying that offers advertisers with the true value of a consumer. As a payment framework, the Clickbooth CPA Network translates to advertisers paying publishers per lead, which is a set action by the advertiser that publishers’ users must complete. Such actions include inputting email address or zip codes to buying a product. And how to get started with the Clickbooth CPA Network? Just visit the signup page and fill out the signup form to register! A Clickbooth representative will be on hand once one passes the verification process! It’s that simple!

The Clickbooth CPA Network is a win-win situation for both advertisers and publishers. For advertisers, the Clickbooth CPA Network works well across every vertical in the industry and runs all the top offers in each! Clickbooth’s team of experts works with each campaign to ensure and optimize success and conversions. For publishers, they can use Clickbooth CPA Network’s Publisher Referral campaign and receive 2% gross referral credit for life, including an additional $10 bonus for every affiliate referred! Yes, that’s a $10 bonus for each affiliate, friends!

And with Clickbooth CPA Network’s high quality traffic (40-50% higher backend conversions), both publishers and advertisers can maximize their ROI and pay on a performance basis right from the start! It goes without saying that each and every campaign’s performance is fully ensured and optimized! And I kid you not! So, what are you waiting for, friends? Set up an account with Clickbooth CPA Network – now!


  1. AnonymousMay 02, 2008

    Hey I was wondering if you wouldn't mind putting my website in your blogroll.

    Your link is here forever:


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