Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Monster Solutions: Landing That Job In Your Recruitment Efforts!

Monster Solutions Graphic

Recruiting? Posting jobs? Hiring? Then do check out this interesting website called Monster Solutions, which is a pioneer in the recruitment industry! Monster Solutions invented online recruitment and is currently the career site with the highest ratio of job seekers per job posting in Canada! A quick read on Monster Solutions shows that it debut the world’s first online job board in 1994. It has since then been revolutionizing online recruitment the world over – connecting job seekers and employers in 38 countries with the ultimate objective of bringing people together to advance their lives.

Listen to this, over 200,000 companies have posted openings in Monster Solutions and 61 million job seekers have searched for employment opportunities on the online recruitment site since its debut! In Canada alone, Monster Solutions has earned top ranking and owns the highest consumer brand recognition as evident by the millions of Canadians who have used and are currently using it. Monster Solutions has helped more than 23,000 Canadian firms reduce their time- and cost-to-hire, and fill their talent supply chain, by recruiting more efficiently and cost-effectively and offering them information on what works online to source qualified candidates. Some of the well-known companies that have selected Monster Canada as their online recruitment site include 3M, Alcattel, Apple, Avis, Dell, Ericsson, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, IBM, etc. Such is proof that Monster Solutions deliver greater visibility for employer brand! And did you know that Monster Canada is named as one of the 50 best places to work in Canada? Yes, it is true!

Monster Canada Graphic

Everything, and I mean everything, is well organized at Monster Solutions’ website. It features sections on Best Management Practices, a Learning Center, Clients and Alliances, and Corporate Profile. Links also abound at the site, and includes searches on branding, a resume and hiring database, job library, talent supply chain, staffing solutions, a dedicated customer service, etc. A cool and novel feature is Monster SolutionsMonster Employment Index Canada is the first national index to measure online employment demand in the nation. The index measures online job demand by determining the number of jobs advertised, e.g., newly created and unfilled jobs in the country, as reflected in the number of help-wanted advertisements posted online per month. Thus, labor market watchers, financial analysts, and government agencies can make use of forward-looking trends based on real-time data. Such data is important when evaluating Canada’s economic health and making employment-related policy decisions. And I kid you not!


  1. Kumusta na Anitokid? Ok itong mga post mo ah, talagang pang billiards fanatic :)

  2. Hi bro!

    I'm doing great, bro! I'm doing what i love - exporting the best custom cues to every corner of the world. I'm still connected to my daytime jobs (2) and I play pool whenever I can.

    Regards to our friends, okay.


  3. Pareho ba itong Monster Solutions ng Monster dito sa US? If it is, this is where I got my first job dito sa US - it's a great job site!

  4. Really? Wow! It's a small world after all, mare ko!


  5. sounds promising esp with 61mil job seekers..

    worth a checkout.. thanks for informing and happy pooling :)


  6. @Online Bingo:

    Glad you liked the post, my friend!



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