Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Environment and Election 2008!

I just completed the above survey on Election 2008, with emphasis on the environmental issues shaping some of the political debates. It was an interesting set of questions. I hope there would be more of this type of surveys because such promote the dissemination of important facts and options associated with various environmental concerns and the energy industry as a whole. And I kid you not!

Do check out these interesting posts
on energy and alternative sources of fuel!!!


  1. Thanks for reminding me that this is an important issue.

  2. You're welcome, Beth! We only have one home, i.e., the Earth. It goes without saying that we need to take good care of it...each and everyone of us have to do our share. And I kid you not!


  3. the philippines should be aware of this other sources...di lang puro away dapat inaatupag nilang mga politiko...

  4. Very well said, Crazed Heck! The local government should also consider the various types and sources of biofuels. They keep on pushing for corn-based bioethanol, yet, they haven't considered the negative concerns associated with it.



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