Thursday, May 17, 2007

Why do the rich get richer? Quote me! Quote me!

Interesting Investment Quotes

I like to do personal business for myself on the Internet.
My finances, my investments...
all the research that I do is on the Internet.

Barry Bonds

The bottom line is that these athletes tend to be safer investments
because they really value their marketing opportunities.
They don't make as much money as during their active careers.

Dick Butkus

These will be fabulous investments
and will make millions of more people rich.

Jim Cramer

Our investments in data, Internet and international
have been particularly timely and have positioned the company
to post industry-leading incremental revenue gains.

Bernard Ebbers

My wheels are running.
My investments are local, regional and international.

Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud

Experience taught me a few things.
One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good
something sounds on paper.
The second is that you're generally better off
sticking with what you know.
And the third is that sometimes your best investments
are the ones you don't make.
Donald Trump

Why do the rich get richer?
Investments are all around us -

there are more investing opportunities than ever before.
The trick is differentiating the great ones from the rest.
Don't limit yourself! Persevere.
Challenge yourself!
Stimulate your thinking and keep an open mind.
Find your niche and put your heart into the decision-making process.
And oh! Prayer helps. And I kid you not!
The Anitokid


Pinoy Topsites

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