Friday, May 25, 2007

Michael Schumacher is the world's best ever racing driver. Is he?

I will do everything I can to bring
the Number One to Ferrari.
The whole team and all the fans deserve it.
Michael Schumacher

- pit stop -

Pump, pump, pump up the gas!
Pump it up, ma!

I really can't complain about actresses
who get paid to be dumb.
Most of us can't get paid
to be smart.

No one pays me to be nice.

When all else fails, complicate matters.

This looks harder than it looks.

The analysis of the thing is
not the thing itself.

This would not be a problem if
I were driving a snowplow.

I'm content to stand on tradition.
Meet my new friend, Tradition, the metal bar.

My overriding memory of childhood
is having the freedom
to decide which way to go in life
and having my parents' support.


Pinoy Topsites


  1. Shumi is the best without a shadow of a doubt. I have following his career even during his Benetton days. He won the F1 title 7 times and that could have been 10 if not for McClaren's strings of luck.....

  2. AnonymousMay 25, 2007

    i luv 'em! More power to the anito kid!


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