Sunday, May 20, 2007

Former lawmaker of South Dakota accused of raping two girls. Know your legislator!

Found this at and Keloland:

Former state lawmaker Ted Klaudt is facing criminal charges including eight counts of rape and additional charges of stalking and sexual contact with a child.

One of the victims was a former legislative page who was reportedly assaulted while staying with Klaudt in his Pierre hotel room during the 2006 legislative session.

Klaudt, 49, of Walker, was arrested this morning.

The charges, which involve two girls, were filed this morning in two South Dakota counties.

He's accused of performing "ovary checks" and "breast exams" on one of the girls under the guise that he was helping her to donate her eggs, according to court records.

When the girl began to cry, he would give her beer or alcohol, the documents state.

On Feb. 2, when Division of Criminal Investigation agents interviewed Klaudt, he initially denied performing any tests on the girls, according to court records.

But when the agents confronted him with contents of emails he's accused of sending the girls, he changed his story, the records state.

Klaudt then stated that "maybe I did some things I shouldn't have," according to a court affidavit.

In Hughes County, which is home to the state capitol, Klaudt faces four counts of second-degree rape, according to an arrest warrant and complaint.

Two of the rape counts date to March 2005 and a third one is alleged to have occurred in January, according to the court records.

In Corson County, where Klaudt is from, he faces four more counts of second-degree rape and two counts of witness tampering.

Klaudt is accused of trying to influence witnesses to testify falsely or withhold testimony, according to the Corson County charges.

Other charges include two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor; stalking; and sexual contact with a child under 16.

Klaudt is in the custody of the Corson County Sheriff, and is on his way to Deadwood, according to Sara Rabern of the Attorney General's Office.

Klaudt, a Republican who was elected to the House of Representatives in 1998, is a farmer and rancher.

He served four two-year terms, ran for the Senate last fall and lost to Democrat Ryan Maher of Isabel.

During his eight years in the House, Klaudt served on the Appropriations Committee. During his last term, he served as chairman of the Government Operations and Audit Committee.

*Hey Klaudt! The allegations against you are so revolting that it makes me want to puke! How sick can you get! You, a lawmaker, duping foster kids under your care into letting you carry out so-called exams on them to determine their qualifications as egg donors. Clearly, you are one deeply disordered, disoriented, and sick f**k! And you had the balls, given your sick sexual inclinations, to persistently seek legislative office and build a career by "pro-actively" sponsoring legislation "designed" to protect women! You have got to be shitting me!

Some of the bills sponsored by Klaudt:
  • establish certain legislative findings pertaining to the health and rights of women, to revise the physician disclosure requirements to be made to a woman contemplating submitting to an abortion
  • establish a task force to study abortion and to provide for its composition, scope, and administration
  • prohibit the performance of abortions, except to save the life of the mother, and to provide a penalty therefor and to provide for a delayed effective date
  • In support of free religious expression in public schools
  • prohibit the performance of abortions, except to save the life of the mother, and to provide a penalty therefor and to provide for a delayed effective date
Just these words to the people of South Dakota:
Hang Klaudt. And I kid you not!


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