Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blog quotations - famous, humorous and serious

And I kid you not!

Around the world in 80 blogs.

Beauty is in the eyes of the blogger.

Blog at first sight.

Blog conquers all.

Blog in the Middle East.

Blog is blind.

Blog is gold.

Blog over matter.

Blog with me and you go places.

Blogging is an art, and I'm a Picasso.

Blogging is the best policy

Blogging is the name of the game.

Blogs are the windows of the soul.

Have you fueled my blog lately?

Have you seen my blog lately?

I blog, I blogged, I'm blogging.

I'd rather be lucky than good.

I'm a blogger not a fighter.

It goes without saying...

Keep your bloggers close, and your enemies closer.

Let your blog take you places.

Live to blog, not blog to live.

Stick with me and you'll go places.

The Filipino is worth blogging for.

The true measure of a blogger's success correlates
with the popularity of his blog.

Tis the reader that makes a good blog.

To blog or not to blog; that is the question.

To blog where no blogger has blogged before.

Use the blog, Luke.


Pinoy Topsites


  1. I have a few suggestions for this post. These are some quotes that can make some sense.

    1. The blog is mightier than the news

    2. Men are measured not by the words that they say, but by the blogs that they write.

    3. There are some things money can't buy, for everything else, there's blogging.

    4. A blog is not left to stand alone, he who practice it will have.

    5. 100% of the blogs you don't write don't get published.

    6. A blog for a blog only ends up making the world a blogsphere.

    7. Blogging is the best provision for the journey to old age.

    8. History will be kind to be, for I intend to blog it.

    9. I am not young enough to blog everything.

    10. No price is too high for the privilege of blogging yourself.

  2. Much thanks! Will definitely add these!


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