Wednesday, March 7, 2007

friday friday on a thursday - post 1 of 10

papa rick had bed scene, a bar and resto,
closed for the literatis' despedida party for him.
what follows is a 10-part post
on some of the night's highlights
take note loyal readers

the literatis didn't only have fun...
they partied !!!

first post of 10

he came...he saw...he conquered
wearing a barong
the ultimate compliment
papa rick wore one of the barongs
the literatis gave as despedida presents


the anitokid and his angels
amy (i think i'm in heaven)
kim (just had a taste of heaven)
cha (about to have a taste of heaven)
crisiel (for heaven's sake)

(a national pastime)

serve me well and you will be rewarded

ghosts? or market forces?

ghosts roam bed scene (tututs)

cindy zou....welcome!
pasalubong naman jan

sam: ha ha ha koya ano yan, kamera? hi hi hi

- twin popsies -
and they have no idea, none whatsoever,
that they're going to paint the town red tonight

'coz we're getting to know each other
a little too well na na na na

- stuff toy -
ma-alaala mo kaya

two facets of the same diamond

there's a new kid in town...cindy zou
cindy, this is sam. sam this is cindy.

uncommon ground

i call them my buddies
my pals...

- the original mr. lonely heart -
there can be only one

reach out - touch space

- o -

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